Investigations were held on the three other trophy winners, and we have concluded that they are deserving of their trophies. Congratulations, all!
deletedover 7 years
After and long and hearty discussion and civil debates on both sides of the spectrum, we have concluded that, based on a pastebin, Apropos has had a good deal of games thrown in his favor, in which he was well aware. We believe if you realize games are being thrown for you, you should take it upon yourself to dodge the persons in question.
In this game: A bunch of f*cking rtards don't lynch confirmed scum from day 1. Warning: contains complete and utter stupidity.
Hey, at least you didn't get a partner who has 1000+ games and pretends to be from sandbox and trolls all game and ends up shooting hit bleeder and acting scummy to get lynched.
In this game: A bunch of f*cking rtards don't lynch confirmed scum from day 1. Warning: contains complete and utter stupidity.
deletedover 7 years
Round 495 was broken. Round 497 will be a lot quicker and smoother.