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HardCarry and POD's 3rd Anon Game

over 7 years


POD and I are excited to announce....OUR THIRD ANON GAME!! You may have played in our past 2 games, Anon Heroes vs Villains, and Anon Survivor Anarchy.

We are continuing our series of Anon Games with small twists for dynamic gameplay.

The game will be a regular Tribevivor game only there will be two main twists.

1. Votes will not be read. The person with the most votes will be voted out, but the vote count will not be given (unless there is a tie). This should create some interesting dynamics with more room for blindsides and lying.

2) Everyone will be playing on an alt (account) that is secret to everyone else in the game. This is done to ensure that there will be no prior meta affecting the game.

You must create an alt that nobody else knows. You then must PM me or powerofdeath the name of the alt you wish to use. You cannot tell anybody your hidden alt anywhere, or anytime. This also includes the final jury, or speaking to the jury in the GY. You cannot tell the jury or the players your identity. Doing so defeat the entire purpose of Anonymous game. We will be enforcing this strictly just like our last two games.

The game will be on Friday, February 24, 8 PM EST. This will give you sufficient time to make an alt and PM us before then.

Finally, spots will be given out on a first come first serve basis. We recommend that you PM us early with your alt so that you have a spot reserved for the game. Last 2 games, we had A LOT of players and reserves and not enough spots, so make sure you reserve early.

Get pumped!!

Best game mode?
Big Brother
The Amazing Race
Cluedo/Deal or No Deal/Knight's Move/Minigames
The Weakest Link
over 7 years
For an estimate of how big the game will be, we currently have 28 Reserves.
over 7 years
Game is happening in 7 hours!!
over 7 years
Alright , final bump.
over 7 years
20 Reserves now!!
over 7 years
Have 15 reserves - last time we only took 20 !!
over 7 years
over 7 years
Have approx 10 reserves - make sure to reserve!!
over 7 years
Damn hosting on 2 accounts at once
over 7 years
Bump :)
over 7 years
Join our circle of winners (and circle of people who got beaten in f2)!!

Season 1: Voice (Kindness27) over HighSpace (StiltsonIce)

Season 2: Logan (flume) over hotjacket (Translucent)
over 7 years

freedom of speech
over 7 years
over 7 years
Please do not reserve in the comments. We do not want anyone to know who is playing.