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Maybe a few opinions

over 7 years

Hullo peoples. Idk, I'm bored and I might do some opinions. I will try to make them reasonably genuine although I admit that honestly I'm not very close to that many people anymore so I may just skip it if I can't think of an opinion that isn't just straight up generic.

I also mean no ill will in advance if some of them are a little savage so don't think I'm trying to antagonise you.

Favourite animal?
over 7 years
hedgey cat
over 7 years

Jakulore says

Me! <3

Hi, I've only seen you around in the last week but you've left a good first impression. You're very friendly and a good conversationalist.

Since we've only known each other for a bit, it is hard to add too much without a lot of conjecture, which I'd like to avoid. (all good things though so don't worry :3)

Either way, you seem to get along with most people, which is never a bad thing and I hope that in a few weeks, I'll have a more complete opinion.
over 7 years

Dariukas47 says


Hmm, I feel like you've been around long enough for me to have a fairly strong opinion of you but honestly I don't really.

We've never really been close, but we've shared enough mutual friends that we've interacted a lot, and you're honestly a very friendly, laid-back person, happy to chat with others but never get too involved.

I honestly can't remember having any deep discussions with you so it's hard to really come up with too much more.
over 7 years

nattless says

me please

Meow! You are one of the loveliest people I have met. We talked everyday soon after you joined this lobby and it was honestly the one thing I looked forward to everyday. Your knowledge on just about anything makes it really easy to talk about just any topic and also know that any opinion you have is well founded and that also makes it super easy to interact with you.

Nearly everyone likes you for good reason, and although you don't go out of your way to make others like you, you are very sincere and care about others a lot so it's hard to dislike anything about you.

I honestly don't know really what else to add so I'll just leave it at that :)
over 7 years
my boi
over 7 years
Yes me
deletedover 7 years
hi hedgey
over 7 years
Me! <3
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hedger says

Jellofish says


To be quite honest, coming up with an opinion of you is hard. A lot of the times, I feel you are "fake", although I don't mean it in quite a harsh way and I think once I made it clear that was how I felt about you, it just seems like you feel threatened, which has made me think I made a pretty accurate judgement.

I never really understand acting to make people like you, and that's the impression I got from you after you played a few games here.

But I really don't have much else to add. I think you're pretty distant, I don't think I really recall you involving yourself in chats, but rather talk about things that you can yourself keep out of. It's not necessarily a bad thing but it does make it hard to come up with a genuine opinion.

Just overall, we're very different people and you should probably take my opinion with a grain of salt.

I get why you feel that why but I want you to know that I will never be fake just to get people to like me and it hurts that you feel that way about me I'm looking to improve myself though and I'd knew you'd be honest thanks for the opinion though.
over 7 years

Jellofish says


To be quite honest, coming up with an opinion of you is hard. A lot of the times, I feel you are "fake", although I don't mean it in quite a harsh way and I think once I made it clear that was how I felt about you, it just seems like you feel threatened, which has made me think I made a pretty accurate judgement.

I never really understand acting to make people like you, and that's the impression I got from you after you played a few games here.

But I really don't have much else to add. I think you're pretty distant, I don't think I really recall you involving yourself in chats, but rather talk about things that you can yourself keep out of. It's not necessarily a bad thing but it does make it hard to come up with a genuine opinion.

Just overall, we're very different people and you should probably take my opinion with a grain of salt.
over 7 years

11235813213455 says

who are you?

I could ask you the same thing.
over 7 years

Voice says


Okay, where should I start. Sometimes I wonder why I don't regularly talk to you anymore and outside of some awkward conversations that sometimes make me feel a little uncomfortable, I can't really think of why.

Either way, I think you have a very balanced personality. You are very kindhearted and think of other people before yourself, even though your gameplay in survivor tries to be close to the exact opposite. You've always been someone I can trust and talk to about personal things, knowing you actually care and willing to go out of your way to help.

You are a fun person to be around, never afraid to voice an opinion, although you maybe push limits a little too hard, since a lot of the time, it does seem like you speak without actually thinking. I think at times, you lack a bit of perspective to see where other people are coming from sometimes, however, you're a great person and I am glad for the friendship we've had over the last few years :)
over 7 years
over 7 years
me please
deletedover 7 years
deletedover 7 years
who are you?
over 7 years