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Survival 2: Newland

over 7 years

It's time for another season of my Choose-Your-Own-Adventure style game, and this time, things are a little different.

You will play the role of an individual in the turbulent country of "Newland" rough times are ahead, and you can play an important role in shaping the destiny of this country.

If you wanna get into the nitty-gritty, follow the document below to learn of all the different roles available.

There will be treachery and scandal in this upcoming season of Survival. It's not a matter of IF someone will make a power grab, but who, and when?

I'm looking for 16 players here who will be able to play over the course of about a week, but I can adapt for more/less.

This game will take place in a Skype chat and I plan to add you as soon as you reserve, though the game won't formally start until I say so. Because of this, a Skype account is required to play and I need to be able to add you to the chat, so let me know what your Skype name is so I can add you if you aren't already a contact of mine.

Remember not to die!

over 7 years

over 7 years

President Cosmo was caught in an assassination attempt against Sports made public! Sports was removed from office but his body hasn't been found as of yet!

In a heated and dramatic trial, instead of a judge, the people made their voices heard! Zeezo was deemed guilty by the crowd, dragged out of the courthouse, and burned alive. Her fellow Bishop, Claire, fled the country in order to flee the President's order for her execution.

Her and the rest of the old Bishops are now hiding out in the White Country. Only the Bishop's Jello and JacobV remain.
over 7 years
over 7 years
Another election is held, and Hotjacket becomes the Senator of Capital City!

Cosmo has also made his 2 general appointments, and he chose the senators Nicol and Ultra!

Ripple and Zeezo have been given the title of Bishop by the Church.

And FDP, Zeezo, and CAT3101 have all signed up for the military as officers.

Month 2 was an active month!
over 7 years
Me pls
over 7 years
please LET ME PLAY
over 7 years
For the first time in 10 years, elections have been held in Newland!

These are the results!

President of Newland - Cosmoiswatching

Senators - UltraAug/Nicol/Sports123492

There's still room for 1 more Senator if an ambitious young politician wants the spot.
over 7 years
The game has started, but you can jump in any time you want!
over 7 years
over 7 years
count me in (if theres still a position)
over 7 years
I'd like to play
deletedover 7 years
I want in!!! <3
over 7 years
over 7 years
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over 7 years
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over 7 years