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The Experiment

over 7 years

Congratulations, you have been selected to participate in an advanced experiment that will test you in many ways!

The premise is divided into two phases:

Phase 1: The Selection

You and a group of other individuals are in the midst of a nuclear war, leaving nothing but destruction in its path. Setting out to find refuge, you all discover a bunker. Fleeing inside, you see that it has many of the necessary essentials- food, water, comfort- and then some. It seems so perfect, that you all decide that it will be your new home. There is one catch:

The bunker only has enough space and supplies to hold half of you for a full year.

This leaves you all with the ultimate decision in deciding which of you gets to stay alive in the bunker and which of you perishes from the radiation outside- all for the greater good of a future society.

To make your decisions easier- or more difficult- each person has been assigned a role. This role can range from an esteemed doctor to a bestselling author. In addition, a second attribute will be added.
Example: The bestselling author could also be a technical engineer.

After you all have decided, everyone who is selected to go into the bunker will continue on to Phase 2, while everyone else will be dead.

Phase 2: Life in the Bunker

Essentially, this phase will be more interactive than anything else, following the remaining survivors as they go through good times and bad times for the duration of a year. The goal of this phase is to make it out of the bunker alive to restart civilization and society. It should be noted it is possible for everyone to survive and for everyone to die.

Once this is finished, The Experiment has finished.


  1. If you are interested, please try to be as objective as possible and take it seriously!
  2. Reserve by either posting on here explicitly that you want to play or PM me
  3. To decrease the potential of meta, anybody who has an interest in this will be asked to create an alt based on the role randomly assigned to them. For example, TheDoctor or TheAuthor. This will make it easier to remember everyone’s roles. Do NOT out your main during the game and please keep your role confidential prior to the game occurring.

The Experiment commences on Friday, March 3rd at 8:00PM EST!

***I estimate this game taking 4 hours at the longest, but keep in mind that the length of the game will be dependent on the players.

I understand there may be a lot of questions to this, and I’ll do my best to answer them and address any concerns!

Will you endure the Experiment?
No, I'm gonna die
How much can I get paid for this?
I'm a survivor
deletedover 7 years
i want to playy
over 7 years
r e s e r v e
over 7 years
Alrighty guys, I have started to send out roles to people! How the process goes is that I pm you a role and then you just create the alt and pm me from it to officially have it! I'm gonna give a two-week window for everyone who has a role thus far to try and get that done!

Others are still free to join and partake in the Experiment!
over 7 years
This sounds awesome, sign me the frick up
over 7 years
I would like to play
over 7 years
i want 2 play this sounds cool as fuc
over 7 years
over 7 years
ok pick me!!!!!!
deletedover 7 years
Tentative reserve < 3
over 7 years
over 7 years
Tentatively reserve.
deletedover 7 years
deletedover 7 years
r e s e r v e
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years
over 7 years
reserving af
over 7 years
over 7 years
over 7 years
over 7 years
Reserve please :)
over 7 years
r e s e r v i n g
over 7 years