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Communism Review

over 7 years

LastProphets Communism Review

Communism wasn't entirely bad, but, it beginning and ending where extremely bad. To begin with, communism started the same way the United States is protesting Donald Trump today. Spoiler alert, if the government gets overthrown, the nuclear bombs go off on ourselves. Spoiler alert number two, if the nuclear bombs don't go off, the first people who will be killed will be the land owners, followed by the publishers, and finally the common people themselves will mostly starve to death due to collectivism being prospected by the leader of the country for international trade.

Now I'm going to be 100% honest. Communism today would work because of the technology, but, people would ironically be encouraged to play video games in order to improve the self generating neural networks used to produce the automated technology. The most intelligent people would be unknown and belong to the government for private use, and it would take over the entire world this time because of the resources that could only be tapped into in collectivism "Today".

Truth is that todays communist party is owned by an autocrat named George Soros, and he isn't a communist himself, but, a fascist that is merely trying to honey pot communist for revenge about what happened during world war 2. I'm not making it up. He funded antifa, also known as the antifascist movement, for the irony that you can't call him a fascist if everyone is calling him antifascist, taking advantage of collectivism. If you study his history, he sold his own fellow Jews out and worked side by side with the nazis for a profit. He has riley day syndrome which means that he doesn't have empathy, which is a side effect of riley day syndrome. Communist today in order to succeed, would need someone to back stab the out of the leaders of the party that currently exist today, or else all the common people like you and me would die if commist ever succeeded. President Trump is the "BEST OUTCOME POSSIBLE"

Here is the score

  • Ancient Era: 8/10
  • World War Era: 6.5/10
  • Future: 9.5/10
over 7 years
Hi guys, LastProphet here for another episode of Prophetic Reviews. This week, we'll be taking a look at the hit economic and political movement, communism.
over 7 years

sl0nderman says


stopped reading there
over 7 years

stopped reading there
over 7 years
i'm already 3/5 of the way there (fully automated, gay, communism)
over 7 years
we require fully automated luxury gay space communism
deletedover 7 years
Communism was made good by stalin.
over 7 years
however full automation is not possible with a capitalist system, because people would starve. oil/coal jobs still exist simply because without them, towns would be bankrupted. coal capitalists would rather stick to a broken economic system than go fully automated (due to backlash from unions), and coal miners would rather stick to it to avoid like dying and stuff
over 7 years
full automation = full communism
over 7 years

LastProphet says

He has riley day syndrome which means that he doesn't have empathy, which is a side effect of riley day syndrome.

You called?
over 7 years
tmw LastProphet becomes ComradeProphet
deletedover 7 years
I giggled at this :3
over 7 years
I'm for super computers running society through logistics, but, that's just me. Doesn't work so well when you want to upgrade the computer though.
deletedover 7 years
5 stars, two enthusiastic thumbs up
over 7 years
"Communism today would work"

stopped reading
over 7 years
it's not too late to delete this