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I am a Victim.

deletedover 7 years

I am a victim of mod/owner abuse in the Epicmafia dot com slash Sandbox game lobby.

As many of u know, I am a controversial character, but those who I was meanest to when I was a banned user (Jimbei & co) have come to forgive me and accepted me in the community, because I am mean to them, no more.

I am being targeted for being a white, tall, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, wide-hipped, cis, hetero, upper middle-class, Orthodox Christian female.

This is not acceptable.

Please, if u wish to ban me, u must do so following site rules, we cannot have a site with such notoriety, spirit, and heart such as Epicmafia Dot Com run by tyrants who ban ppl without notice, warning, or reason!

First they Came for ABC, and i said nothing.

Then they Came for Rednose, and I said nothing.

Then they Came for Cory, and who will be left to speak for me?


CoryInConstantinople says

ALSO to the point of my "islamophobia" parudocks, a muslim user and i have been having polite PM exchanges on our opinions towards islam, something ADULTS do

theres no need to ban me, im open to discussion about anything with anybody

"I have a black friend so I can be as racist as I want"
over 7 years
i disagree with what cory said. i do find it islamophobic and i don't really need to say more about why nor do i feel it necessary to bring my political opinions into this anymore than necessary.

however, by the standards of the website itself and what it finds as offensive/hateful content, it doesn't reach being a violation; it's a note at best because it wasn't targeted directly at someone (besides nepenthe in this context, but they did not report; it would be harassment if they were to report it either way for this) and it wasn't excessive. i would personally note this just as reference for future behavior in the context of being hateful towards minorities and other religions. however, i don't think it can be a violation, because the lobby mods intervened before it escalated into a more heated discussion.
deletedover 7 years
More than hc, and tgat screencap wasn't why she got banned

Bebop says

Jimbei says

Jimbei says

I can't believe site mods stand with this

So you guys are okay with this

Site mods

The three who posted in this topic

Just curious

We've heard the opinions of sandbox mods and Cory now how about you

Fred says

HC will be treated the same way it has been before. If its not reported, its ignored.

Yeah, because people weren't chat banned for HC when you were owner, please.
over 7 years
reposting for this page

Fred says

HC will be treated the same way it has been before. If its not reported, its ignored.

deletedover 7 years

Jimbei says

Jimbei says

I can't believe site mods stand with this

So you guys are okay with this

Site mods

The three who posted in this topic

Just curious

We've heard the opinions of sandbox mods and Cory now how about you

Yea I wouldn't vio this it wasn't excessive or aggressive
deletedover 7 years
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

deletedover 7 years
over 7 years

Jimbei says

Jimbei says

I can't believe site mods stand with this

So you guys are okay with this

Site mods

The three who posted in this topic

Just curious

We've heard the opinions of sandbox mods and Cory now how about you

Fred says

HC will be treated the same way it has been before. If its not reported, its ignored.

over 7 years
are you asking for my personal political opinion or my opinion on the rules in this situation lol
deletedover 7 years
im not mad about the timeout, that was well deserved

what isnt well deserved is serving my timeout, then being timed out AGAIN For the same crime, even though i already served my time

double jeopardy anyone?????????
deletedover 7 years
ALSO to the point of my "islamophobia" parudocks, a muslim user and i have been having polite PM exchanges on our opinions towards islam, something ADULTS do

theres no need to ban me, im open to discussion about anything with anybody
deletedover 7 years
No one reported because the sandbox mod intervened before you could escalate things anymore

Don't get mad for being put in the corner for a timeout
over 7 years

CoryInConstantinople says

they're also ok with "fk christians"

so they're just being neutral--the point is NO ONE was reported, i got my time out for "crossing the line"
and we can move on, but i am being unfairly targeted for my past.

P.S. yeah, "fk christians" is also offensive.
deletedover 7 years
Like I don't really have a dog in this race but it seems weird that hating one religion is okay but not the other. Either ban both or neither?
deletedover 7 years
they're also ok with "fk christians"

so they're just being neutral--the point is NO ONE was reported, i got my time out for "crossing the line"
and we can move on, but i am being unfairly targeted for my past.
over 7 years
The sensitivity on this site is TOO DAMN HIGH! Anyway, I'm done here. Cory, I hope you consider what I said. Good luck.
deletedover 7 years

Jimbei says

I can't believe site mods stand with this

So you guys are okay with this

Site mods

The three who posted in this topic

Just curious

We've heard the opinions of sandbox mods and Cory now how about you
over 7 years
ever noticed how there aren't any white, tall, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, wide-hipped, cis, hetero, upper middle-class, Orthodox Christian females on the mod team?

really gets those neurons firing
deletedover 7 years

Merlot says

blondes need to stick together

deletedover 7 years
ur being racist against blondes. and someones gotta take a stand and END the discrimination.
over 7 years
And let's be real, Cory, you know damn well the majority of people in Sandbox aren't "adults", and if they are, they sure don't act like them. lol

Just chill out. I enjoy you in games, stick to that.
deletedover 7 years
deletedover 7 years

Bebop says

85.7% of surveyed users want to free cory

how can you argue with statistics like these?

over 7 years

CoryInConstantinople says

rockgirlnikki last night: "cory what's ur opinion on this?

rockgirlnikki today: "why are you constantly talking about your beliefs?"


It's not being "Judas". I am asking your opinion. ME! And I'm asking you because I enjoy your views since they're uncommon. Other people do not, that's on them. I'm not the one reporting you.