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Survivor: Heroes vs Villains!

over 7 years

Heroes and Villains have long since made up the survivor casts of our generation, the question is: Who is more capable of outwitting, outplaying and outlasting the rest?

JohnBatman and I intend to find out! In a tribevivor game on February 11th at 8pm EST. We are going to limit the number of players so please make sure to reserve! It should be a fun game with interesting challenges !

Hope to see you all there!! :-)

Most useless hero vs Most useless Villain!
Sportsmaster -Uses sports equipment for evil
Matter-Eating Lad - Eats any and all matter
over 7 years
tentative reservation from dis hero
over 7 years
over 7 years

Jakulore says

May I reserve a position?

Yeah, we'll save you a spot. :*
over 7 years
Reserving for Brooklyn
over 7 years
May I reserve a position?
deletedover 7 years
tentative reserve
over 7 years

SirAmelio says

uh are you guys going to pick whos is a hero and whos a villain based on what you know about them or whats the plan

We have a system in mind!
deletedover 7 years

cjn104 says

I'd like to reserve

Total villain

Sidenote: reserve
over 7 years
I'd like to reserve
over 7 years
tentative reserve.

uh are you guys going to pick whos is a hero and whos a villain based on what you know about them or whats the plan
over 7 years
Tentatively reserve!
over 7 years
r e s e r v e
over 7 years
I'll reserve
over 7 years
Reserving for ahrre
over 7 years
Tenta reserving sounds to be fun! I will do that too
over 7 years
tentatively reserving for Zeezo and Bob01
over 7 years
I'll tentareserve as well
deletedover 7 years
i'll tentative reserve, i think i'll be able to finally play by then :)
over 7 years
tentatively reserving for PyreTheGod
over 7 years
Matter-Eating Lad - Eats any and all matter

Literally Guzzlord. Just sayin'

Also tentaserve.
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years
over 7 years
reserve, this sounds like an awesome game
over 7 years
I'll reserve!
deletedover 7 years
I'll tentatively reserve :)