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The Binding of Isaac

about 8 years

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is a randomly generated action RPG shooter with heavy Rogue-like elements.

Since I know a lot of people in Sandbox play The Binding of Isaac, I thought I'd make a thread here where we can talk about it and share anything Isaac-related.

Useful Links:

5 signed
1 signature = 1 soul heart from Dark Bum
Most annoying boss?
Rag Man
The Bloat
Big Horn
Mega Fatty
Mask of Infamy
The Carrion Queen
Rag Mega
Gurdy Jr.
The Haunt
Sisters Vis
about 8 years

Bebop says

if magdalene's starting pill is always speed up, what's the point? why not just boost her starting speed and take away the pill

Because then the pill is always in the pill pool, it's even better than just being a stat boost up.
about 8 years

cub says

i got bored of isaac when items like brimstone ended every run

i get bored when i dont get op items...
about 8 years
if magdalene's starting pill is always speed up, what's the point? why not just boost her starting speed and take away the pill
about 8 years
about 8 years

Edark says

I got bored by the game once I managed to beat everything on hard with The Lost. Yall should try enter the gungeon instead

Beat what on hard with The Lost? Is this supposed to be impressive?

Are you bragging about beating mom's heart as the lost or something?
about 8 years

cub says

i got bored of isaac when items like brimstone ended every run

Brimstone is incredibly rare, you say that like you just casually are able to get it every single run. which is simply not true.
about 8 years

Edark says

I got bored by the game once I managed to beat everything on hard with The Lost. Yall should try enter the gungeon instead

gungeon is easier since you can dodge though
about 8 years
didn't you only beat rebirth with that though? not afterbirth and afterbirth+?
about 8 years
I got bored by the game once I managed to beat everything on hard with The Lost. Yall should try enter the gungeon instead
about 8 years
if you have afterbirth+, jacob's ladder and spoon bender are pretty awesome, as is pretty much anytihng with spoon bender
about 8 years
DoT is objectively best unless you cant aim
about 8 years
i dont get why people like brimstone so much, it sucks on late-game bosses tbh. it does have some good synergies but on its own its kinda meh

get me a death touch over brimstone any day
about 8 years
this is the fundamental problem with "self challenge": the greater the challenge, the more you have to and will exploit gameplay mechanics you didn't arbitrarily bar off in order to win, and by the very logic that put you in this situation you would be eliminating challenge by simply playing to win because in doing so you logically take the most effective route you can

you will always do what's most likely to make you win and even more so when you "challenge" yourself, so the whole idea is stupid

the game should just be balanced properly
about 8 years

cub says

isnt the point of the game to take advantage of the best items

would you run isaac without picking up anything

if i wanted a challenge yes
about 8 years
isnt the point of the game to take advantage of the best items

would you run isaac without picking up anything
about 8 years

cub says

i got bored of isaac when items like brimstone ended every run

so dont use it
about 8 years
i got bored of isaac when items like brimstone ended every run
about 8 years
Actually annoying bosses:

Big Horn
The Haunt
Rag Man
Champion Bloat

the others are easy.
about 8 years

Bebop says

eve starts with 1 less damage than pretty much all characters

thats why you activate of babylon asap
about 8 years
i play as Maggy because i need the extra health to beat the first boss
about 8 years
Big Horn's health is scaled, y'all don't know what bad is.
about 8 years
How many hours does everyone have in the game tbh
about 8 years

empathy says

Judas best

now this i can get behind
about 8 years
Judas best
about 8 years
eve should be played as a powered up blue baby tbh