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EMVivor Trophy Game

over 7 years

Welcome to the EMVivor application form!


HighSpace, Nattless, Deandean

JacobV, Coolkidrox123, Ginga

What is EMVivor?

Unlike your regular epicmafia game, this will be played over a longer period of time, simulating what would be a survivor experience. You’ll have more time to socialize and strategize with your fellow competitors. There will be a full jury at the finale, and no blacklists.

This will be played over a period of 2 months, and will be run on Skype. The challenges will also be different from what you usually see on EM, including flash games, endurance, creativity, etc.

Just like EMBB, it will be for trophies, giving more players the opportunity to play a forum game like this. Players that have played EMBB will have the opportunity to play in this as well, if they feel survivor was better fit for them.


Start Date: TBA, Mid February

Application deadline: Sunday, February 5th.

deletedover 7 years
Game starts tonight!
over 7 years
Can't wait to see the cast for this :)
over 7 years
The game is set to begin this Friday at 8PM EST!
over 7 years
Thank you to everyone who applied! There were many time-spent and well written applications... so cutting down some applications won't be an easy task. The chosen castaways will be notified in around a week from now!

We'll notify you on skype if you are selected to compete in the first season of EMVivor.
over 7 years

SirPerior says

So it's Sunday. Can I play yet?

banned for impatience!!!
over 7 years
So it's Sunday. Can I play yet?
deletedover 7 years
sign me up, how about dat?
deletedover 7 years

Ginga says

any last-second apps? its gonna be lit trust me

lol me still trying to fill it out
over 7 years
any last-second apps? its gonna be lit trust me
deletedover 7 years
I'm in.
over 7 years
Only a couple of days left to apply!!
over 7 years
Vivor sux
over 7 years
cast me plox
deletedover 7 years
I am bumping. This is going to be a blast and a ton of fun.
over 7 years

UltraAug says

the official embb bootleg

spoken like someone who knows he could never be casted
deletedover 7 years
I signed up
over 7 years
the official embb bootleg
deletedover 7 years

SirPerior says

deandean says

SirPerior says

deandean says

Bgeas15 says

Nah. I'm the stupid rigger here.

deandean? More like dylandylan...

That wasn't even clever, and you should definitely feel bad.

Oh, I feel horrible. That I have to spend a season with you.

See that was better. Good job.
over 7 years

deandean says

SirPerior says

deandean says

Bgeas15 says

Nah. I'm the stupid rigger here.

deandean? More like dylandylan...

That wasn't even clever, and you should definitely feel bad.

Oh, I feel horrible. That I have to spend a season with you.
deletedover 7 years

SirPerior says

deandean says

Bgeas15 says

Nah. I'm the stupid rigger here.

deandean? More like dylandylan...

That wasn't even clever, and you should definitely feel bad.
over 7 years
tentatively reserving for PyreTheGod
over 7 years

deandean says

Bgeas15 says

Nah. I'm the stupid rigger here.

deandean? More like dylandylan...
deletedover 7 years

Bgeas15 says

Nah. I'm the stupid rigger here.
over 7 years
?!?!!?!? sums up my exact feelings in general
over 7 years
Roxy and GINGA? Sign me up?!?!!?!?