over 7 years

is about to save america and the free world

tfw the star of the apprentice saves humanity

about 6 years
first i hate the cia/fbi, monsters, ghouls, one desestablizing the world and the other killing fred hampton, and trying to get MLK to suicide, bad, they r pigs and deserve nothing but death
second i hate the democrats, i hate republicans, i hate bernie sanders, they r all ghouls disagree with them on everything
just getting that out of the way
third lmao the guy who is gonna stay in afghanistan, give tax cuts to the rich, and austerity, yeah really wild challenging things
about 6 years
here's a good example on the Right: pro-life. do you think they use that term because they are simply playing off of "pro-choice"? no, it's because they genuinely care about kids' lives. now sure, some of them might be out to make money off of children and reap the economic benefits of society hosting another child born into the world. but from a philosophical standpoint, which i assure you many of the evangelists genuinely believe (naively or stupidly, whatever), they actually think they are saving lives.

is pro-life inherently good, then? obviously not. abortions are a huge medical breakthrough for women, and we should fight for women to have power over their own bodies. but then do they get to control the life of their child entirely while it is in them? is that murder? it may be a stretch to you, but it isn't to these people that have been raised to think that way.

and that's the same thing as being raised to think the democrats are good, the republicans are bad, we can't have a president that behaves like Trump, and we have to respect our FBI/CIA for all the work they do to protect us.

if you ask a conservative neocon to drop the act and wake up to the successes of abortion as a medical option for r@pe victims, then you can also ask yourself to drop the act and stop pretending the CIA/FBI has always had our best interests in their coveted pursuits.

it's an interesting dichotomy to bring up, because it makes you realize that any chain of logic you are unwilling to question should fundamentally raise a red flag: are you as blind as a religious person who can't accept early abortions as a right of pregnant women?

are you so blind as to think that Trump hasn't challenged every status quo the entrenched government could throw at him? or that this presidency has been anything but the most exposed, the most transparent glimpse We the People have gotten into the inner-workings of our political cronies' labyrinth?
about 6 years
class? like as in socioeconomic?

sure, I guess. but there are good rich people out there, too. in fact, there's a lot more goodness in the upper wealth of the world than people like to think, because we naturally assume that, based on the absurd abuses of power and wealth we see of some, that the rest are like that.

the flipside i think is also true for liberals right now: we want to assume the Left is good and the Right is bad (or more particularly now, Trump is bad and those who recognize he is bad are good). but the world doesn't follow those easy delineations.

the rich can be both evil and good. look at George Soros. guy has saved millions of peoples' lives in 3rd world countries. he has also singlehandedly ended millions of peoples' lives through his financial games.

there is no black and white here: the Left has become as evil as the right, and the fact that they dont want to recognize that evil makes it all the more insidious and deceitful. the Right, by comparison, is still blatantly evil when they are evil, but thankfully, it's also pretty clear (at least to a sensible person) when they are trying to do good.
about 6 years
just awnser me this orly, does class play any part AT ALL in ur view of this stuff
about 6 years

Vapid says

Fr, though. I'm not denying that there are a lot of people with power who get away with heinous acts, and politics in general is a game, but your view is just a lazy, cartoonish, perspective of that.

Vapid says

You have to have your head shoved up your *** to write something like that and think you are dropping wisdom on us.

“All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident."
about 6 years
tfw u r a good boy but ppl sabotage you
about 6 years

somethingwhatever says

wow insane that i went after the guy that told hillary not to campaign on wiscosin and michigan, he definitly wasnt a complete hack who helped hillary completly blow the election!!
i like how seemly ur brain is broken on talking to libs so u think i like dnc?? yeah you got me, im a dnc guy love 'em!!! i love the political class in america and definitly dont think they r corrupt scum who should be shot!!

i am well aware of what robby mook did and didn't do. he did an incredible job as the campaign strategist - it's not his fault the polls and the data he received were and still are intentionally controlled/manipulated for the desired outcome
about 6 years

Vapid says

The sad thing is he's just gonna keep crying that the sky is falling and then when something bad does happen, he's just gonna twist it into his narrative and act as some righteous messenger about it.

i dont think ive once incited panic here, other than mention that there was a credible security threat at the superbowl.

the rest has been pointing to known, concrete facts that have occurred and are often overlooked in the media cycle. for example: the fact that the memo explicitly mentions the H4A campaign and its associated opposition research firm, Fusion GPS, specifically paying for the dossier Steele provided - and even corroborating evidence with him. and then the FBI carefully dismissing that knowledge, leaving it out of the report to the FISA court, which then renewed the spying warrant on Carter Page - who has already been investigated by the FBI extensively and is himself aware of that lengthy investigation (this is called a 'mole', boys and girls - he tells the FBI things about the Russians he meets with).
about 6 years
wow insane that i went after the guy that told hillary not to campaign on wiscosin and michigan, he definitly wasnt a complete hack who helped hillary completly blow the election!!
i like how seemly ur brain is broken on talking to libs so u think i like dnc?? yeah you got me, im a dnc guy love 'em!!! i love the political class in america and definitly dont think they r corrupt scum who should be shot!!
about 6 years
from my research, robby mook is mostly clean and was pretty fresh to the scene. he got tasked with the most laborious efforts of the campaign. i mean, the fact that you look at robby mook and not at sidney blumenthal, john podesta, debbie wasserman schultz, huma abedin, jennifer palmieri, scott foval, bob creamer - it says a lot about what you've been told to focus on rather than what you should be focusing on.

you probably dont even know half the names i just mentioned, and you should know each of them if you're prepared to argue that there isn't extremely shady behavior behind the H4A / DNC campaign of 2016
about 6 years
tfw u help bring down the world's govts "untouchable" agencies, those which make its policies and behavior seemingly unchangeable, housed by illuminati-esque members, all locked into a political blackmail system that involves the most heinous of crimes. bribery, extortion, child abuse/r@pe, murder, arming terrorists, slaughtering iraqi citizens, assassins for hire, economic juggernauts that act as hitmen for 3rd world financial systems, real atrocities caused intentionally for their benefit (9/11, benghazi, iran contra, israel-palestine, to name a few), MK_ultra sleeper agents waking up and deciding to shoot up a school and the war on drugs - supplying fentanyl to street dealers to euthanize minorities / at-risk communities, that u r a part of it, cause u told hillary not to go to michigan
about 6 years
The sad thing is he's just gonna keep crying that the sky is falling and then when something bad does happen, he's just gonna twist it into his narrative and act as some righteous messenger about it.
about 6 years
honestly guys after reading this whole thread i think i have a fresh perspective on the situation. if i were to put my mind to crafting a stance i could be proud of, i'd probably build an argument with the intention of revealing orly as his true self -- a poopy pants. that's just my opinion though, i don't really know if anyone shares it with me and i wish i did have time to elaborate on it but i just don't. sorry
about 6 years
damn it really sucks when u have an illuminati-esque plan thats foiled cause hillary didnt caimpaign in wiscosin, when ur whole illuminati-esque association is fcked cause robby mook is a dumbass
about 6 years
orly is a poopy pants
about 6 years
i havent read this thread somethingwhatever please feed me opinions to post
about 6 years
tfw u dont support trump
about 6 years

juneau says

its not even political anymore its philosophical at this point

"the greatest fear of the regressive liberal is the realization that they are evil, too. that evil is a natural trait of an animal - for amoral behavior is instinctive, and to be moral is divine and requires conscience. to truly know good and be good, one must realize evil is an inextricable part of us all. we embody the twists and turmoils of a consumptive, living form of existence, which struggles to survive"

like what the fuvk lol stefan molyneux and lauren southern step up please

You have to have your head shoved up your to write something like that and think you are dropping wisdom on us.
about 6 years

Orly says

DrGintoki says

you don't have any clear or concise ideal or prediction to share.

also not true, ive laid it out repeatedly pretty clearly.

want me to summarize?

the world's govts have "untouchable" agencies, those which make its policies and behavior seemingly unchangeable, housed by illuminati-esque members, all locked into a political blackmail system that involves the most heinous of crimes. bribery, extortion, child abuse/r@pe, murder, arming terrorists, slaughtering iraqi citizens, assassins for hire, economic juggernauts that act as hitmen for 3rd world financial systems, real atrocities caused intentionally for their benefit (9/11, benghazi, iran contra, israel-palestine, to name a few), MK_ultra sleeper agents waking up and deciding to shoot up a school, the war on drugs - supplying fentanyl to street dealers to euthanize minorities / at-risk communities, you name it.

you'll never know the full extent, but a little glimpse into the abyss is all you will need to know how dangerous the world really is.

So essentially all bad things chalk up to a conspiracy and Trump, the NY billionaire, because he is a loudmouth with Republican views is the hero that will stop them?


Fr, though. I'm not denying that there are a lot of people with power who get away with heinous acts, and politics in general is a game, but your view is just a lazy, cartoonish, perspective of that.
about 6 years

DrGintoki says

you don't have any clear or concise ideal or prediction to share.

also not true, ive laid it out repeatedly pretty clearly.

want me to summarize?

the world's govts have "untouchable" agencies, those which make its policies and behavior seemingly unchangeable, housed by illuminati-esque members, all locked into a political blackmail system that involves the most heinous of crimes. bribery, extortion, child abuse/r@pe, murder, arming terrorists, slaughtering iraqi citizens, assassins for hire, economic juggernauts that act as hitmen for 3rd world financial systems, real atrocities caused intentionally for their benefit (9/11, benghazi, iran contra, israel-palestine, to name a few), MK_ultra sleeper agents waking up and deciding to shoot up a school, the war on drugs - supplying fentanyl to street dealers to euthanize minorities / at-risk communities, you name it.

you'll never know the full extent, but a little glimpse into the abyss is all you will need to know how dangerous the world really is.
about 6 years
how am i supporting the president? im just observing what's going on and informing you all of the hints from behind the curtains. there are plenty of things trump and his admin are doing that im not happy about. and more importantly, the gov't in itself, the presidency with it, remain objects of contention with any sane citizen, for power always corrupts.

yea, im posting here for my self-image. lmao, yeah, this is the kind of way i sate my ego, by letting people talk me down and judge me for my worldview.

no, if there is any ulterior motive for me posting here besides trying to protect people i care about from harsh realities to come, it is to leave a log of ridicule i have faced for these views, so that when things do inevitably shift in a fundamental way, we can all look back and say, "this is what it is like to have your views oppressed, branded, and marginalized"
about 6 years
You're just doing this to look better than other people. You don't care about politics, you just care about your own self-image. Proof? The fact that you're constantly waiting for some major event to happen in society so you can cry that you were right yet you don't have any clear or concise ideal or prediction to share.
about 6 years
how is supporting the us president status quo? idk fam, let u figure that one by urself
about 6 years
how am i supporting the status quo? what kind of leap of logic took you there
over 6 years
its very funny to me personally see someone support the status quo using revolutionary language, thats why i do it