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over 7 years

We all know the history of this player with me. Yet he mods reports by me.

His judgement is clouded here.

Look at the explanation given by him.

He says it didn't influence the game because I ignored it. How is that a valid argument?

So for it to be a vio, the damage is necessary?

According to rule an attempt to influence is a violation of the rules.

This moron here says that it would be a vio it I tooK the bet and got myself a vio too.

This is why you don't mod random retrds who have gotten 2 gt vios for openly grudging against me over the course of many games.

over 7 years
I'm not whitepimp lol
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years
were u let out early if u became a mod as some sort of f_cked up community service?
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years

vilden says

I'm not whitepimp lol

u dont have to deny it anymore. theres double jeopardy laws that stop u from getting banned again for ur crimes.
over 7 years
I think arcbell's comment is just confusing
over 7 years
I'm not whitepimp lol
deletedover 7 years

pranay7744 says

He would be banned if I had not saved him.

whitepimp is vilden.



over 7 years
I wasn't saved though. Edark admitted his mistake in the thread they moved to mod forums (probably so they wouldn't be ridiculed)
over 7 years
Which mod is vilden?
over 7 years
Yeah well Vilden would be banned if we didn't save him and he's a mod so what do u expect?
over 7 years

He would be banned if I had not saved him.
over 7 years
over 7 years

How is this dumbo a mod? Dont mods habe any standards to meet?
over 7 years
Braindead people become mods and think they are right with everything. When you know the issue is controversial, you should not touch it without getting views from every body . This moron has a history of blatantly throwing games against me.
over 7 years
GT vios for openly grudging against you is something we specifically interview for in the modding process pranay.