Mysterious Marijuana-Related Illness Popping Up In Emergency Rooms
This is why young people should pray instead of killing themselves with brain poisons. My grandma told me "if God had wanted us to smoke, he would have made us chimneys". Very wise!
It breaks my heart to see so many narcotics shops , and even worse, billboards and media normalizing the addiction. I heard high schoolers on the bus bragging about having over 50 maryjuana plants EACH in their basements. If it's not addictive, then why are children growing drugs forests? There are over 10 of these "health" "clinics" on my street alone. If one year of legal weed rotted enough young brains into electing Donald Trump, who knows what 2020 will bring? This is all too concerning.
Even more frightening is the rise of the new drug "vape dab", a form of injectable weeds that masks symptoms of the drug abuse from concerned peers. There is a reason why you never see "vape dab" in utopian depictions of future societies.
The only other countries with legal weeds, Venezuela and DPRK, have well-deserved reputations as fascist hellholes. Even conservative estimates show strong correlations between the evil weeds and dementia, psychosis, cancer, and moral degradation.
America should move in the direction of progressive societies like Saudi Arabia and Singapore and implement a death penalty for drug/alcohol production, sales, ownership, and consumption. Everyone's complaining about jails filled with drug addicts. The death penalty is a simpler solution which is good for all parties, and permanently solves the problems. Once a dope fiend, always a dope fiend, after all.
What do you do when you see weeds in your garden? You pluck them out or spray poison on them. We should do the same in America to make it great again. It's just common sense.