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Idea: TWL Trophy Game

over 7 years

There are 3 characteristics to any Survivor player. Their social ability, their strategic ability, and their physical ability. It's agreed by many people here that physical ability is the least important aspect, and thus the very fun challenges are not so important to other players. In fact, sometimes they get thrown when the hosts have very creative ideas.

TWL games are 90% dependent on physical ability. The only strategic thing you can do is spam an opponent you want out, which is not legal, and social game is not important unless it's a social TWL, which is not very often played these days. There's also the part where players can help other players in challenges, but most of the time they're on their own.

I've hosted a few games of TWL recently with really fun, unique, and new ideas. I've had fun hosting them, and I'm sure you have all had fun playing them. TWL games get hosted quite a bit, but usually they're only to pass an hour by or to practice challenge skills.

I want to make more of it. I want to have the biggest TWL game ever with fun, unique, and difficult challenges to where the best of the best come out on top and earn a reward for their efforts. Because, I feel physical games are not as respected as they should be.

So if anyone is interested in helping me host a massive event with a bunch of challenges, hit me up. PM would be the best method. And as for everyone else, I want to know if this is a good idea and something you'd participate in.

TL;DR: Massive TWL game for trophies, PM me if you wanna help me host, respond in the thread if you think this is a good idea.

over 7 years
I would be in favour of this if every challenge was Car Bomb. Luck is part of a player's strength too.
over 7 years
My social game is sh!t my strategic game is ok but it doesn't matter!! BUT MY TWL GAME IS SLIGHTLY ABOVE AVERAGE LETS GO.

I'm gonna die to chutes tho.
over 7 years
well i did ask for opinions
deletedover 7 years
ok i see your point but have you ever considered this:
every challenge is gunshow
over 7 years
I think it's a cool idea, regardless of whether or not it's for a trophy :-)
over 7 years
I like turtles.
deletedover 7 years
In survivor and bb games you have to make the best of your social,strategical and physical skills, as well as keep track of everyone's thoughts and possible threats and such.TWL is just challenges, the best wins.I don't think they're worth a trophy game. That said a serious TWL would be a cool idea since, as you said, most of the times people play just to pass the time or train themselves.I'd say having a tokens prize game could help with that.Also, since someone mentioned a TAR trophy, that focuses on a different skill set than survivor so i'd say it could be doable.
Just my two cents.
over 7 years
like chris said, there's many ways to win a survivor or BB game. you can be socially strong, strategically strong, or physically strong. any type of player has a chance to win. in TWL, only one type of player has a chance to win. that's why it shouldn't be a trophy game, randy.
over 7 years
I don't think a winner has to be a socialite to get the label. Some respect the challenge beast, some respect the socialite, aome respect the strategist, some just like you more/less, and sometimes its just a mixture that comes into play when determining the winner.

While its able to be won by almost all physical, its been shown in the past there are various ways to win the game
over 7 years
The actual survivor game post merge is able to be won with very little social game and almost all physical game. So if an actual survivor cast member can get the million (gold) even without being a good social player by running the board on challenges, why not have a trophy game where the winner doesn't need to be an amazing socialite?
over 7 years
"I want to have the biggest TWL game ever with fun, unique, and difficult challenges to where the best of the best come out on top and earn a reward for their efforts. Because, I feel physical games are not as respected as they should be."

anyone who doesn't respect physical game play is a dunce and making a trophy TWL game isn't going to change their opinions. i don't believe TWL is a trophy worthy game type because it's focus is solely physical ability. you have a very small pool of people that will succeed in these games and you're segregating the rest of the players that aren't physically strong.

this is a fun idea, but not for a trophy game. at least not here.
over 7 years
a twl trophy game is not going to make it as respected as big brother or survivor. twl does not compare to either simply because it only focuses on physical ability.
over 7 years
Legitimate question, were you intending the trophy game to be in this lobby?
over 7 years
I have gotten a Co host request from nattless

Matt n nat trophy game get hype.
deletedover 7 years
I'm definitely in
deletedover 7 years
I'm in
over 7 years
oh he wanted TAR, I was thinking of TAR, this is TWL
deletedover 7 years
Didn't cosmo wanted to host one like 6 months ago?
over 7 years
Oh my god where is Cody carry me
over 7 years