deleted about 8 years
Oh I didn't know
deleted about 8 years
You can still draft the remaining people I think just no new lists will be made
deleted about 8 years
Actually it ended when Bonk won the POV
deleted about 8 years
someone seems to have messed it up so i'm gonna fix it for scott This is the list ___ SirPerior JacobV Nicol Zeezo FireDragonPrince Bonk LolaInSlacks ericjgames x3
Ciere ___________ SirPerior JacobV Nicol Zeezo FireDragonPrince Bonk LolaInSlacks ericjgames
mfw i finally have the chance to take felicia but i dont ... im sorry felicia <3
bgeas (I'm too lazy to get on aliticde, just pretend I'm alticide ------------------------------------------------------- Jellofish SirPerior JacobV Nicol Zeezo FireDragonPrince Bonk Ciere LolaInSlacks ericjgames x 3[/quote]
I hope someone else picks me.
JAtotheCOB ---------------------------- Jellofish SirPerior JacobV Nicol Zeezo FireDragonPrince Bonk Ciere Bgeas15 LolaInSlacks ericjgames x 3[/quote]
deleted about 8 years
UltraAug the meme ---------------------------- Jellofish SirPerior JacobV Nicol Zeezo JAtotheCOB FireDragonPrince Bonk Ciere Bgeas15 LolaInSlacks ericjgames x 3
nattless (the honorary lad) Jellofish SirPerior JacobV Nicol Zeezo JAtotheCOB FireDragonPrince Bonk Ciere Bgeas15 LolaInSlacks UltraAug ericjgames x 3
Ally ---------------------- Jellofish SirPerior JacobV Nicol Zeezo JAtotheCOB FireDragonPrince Bonk Ciere Bgeas15 LolaInSlacks Nattless UltraAug ericjgames x 3
Okay just to see everyone's teams fill up, let's do this: Jellofish SirPerior Ally JacobV Nicol Zeezo JAtotheCOB FireDragonPrince Bonk Ciere Bgeas15 LolaInSlacks Nattless UltraAug ericjgames x 3
well I want to pick someone but I already picked ericjgames lol
ill take JacobV Ericjgames-2
The fantasy draft ends at 8 PM tonight! People with incomplete teams: Markus Ginga HardCarry Alec CAT3101 Ryman powerofdeath coolkidrox123 SirAmelio Jabzz Voice JeffreyAaron glow Sports123492 N1ed Alticide
deleted about 8 years
Forrest says f_ck! put me back, im being kidnapped N1ed, former winner turned Bonk kidnapper
FireDragonPrince (the fkn lad) JacobV-1 Ericjgames-2
JAtotheCOB JacobV-1 FireDragonPrince-1 Ericjgames-2
deleted about 8 years
f_ck! put me back, im being kidnapped
deleted about 8 years
bonk again then JacobV-1 JAtotheCOB-1 FireDragonPrince-1 Ericjgames-2
SirPerior says I tend to get what I want and have a go getter mentality. Says the girl who got a strike for ISP. Just sayin' leave my felicia alone boy!
I tend to get what I want and have a go getter mentality. Says the girl who got a strike for ISP. Just sayin'