deletedover 7 years

if you harass and discriminate against people constantly based on their race, sexuality, and gender orientation through mocking them, slurring them, outing their personal information, posting pictures of them and mocking the pictures, and evading on HUNDREDS of accounts through proxies it's OKAY! Just hope Edark's admin, and wait a few months for things to blow over.

I know there's been a lot of lenience on pedophiles, harassers and doxers but unbanning Cory really takes the cake. It's not like they'll be banned again real soon but wow I'm so glad to know I can OPI, dox and break ANY rule I want as long as I wait half a year just so I can do it again a few times before being perma banned again, then rinse and repeat.

This is the same man who's given fnoof power, and is the same man who let's people like this do what they want because he's okay with it.

deletedover 7 years

glow says

is howl actually a pedo

over 7 years
is howl actually a pedo
deletedover 7 years
that pastebin on bigpock is old news and apparently he was rebanned from sandbox for sending pictures to 14 people AFTER HE WAS UNBANNED FROM THE SITE
deletedover 7 years

thecolonel says

so why are you so uppity about people doing stuff

reasons concerning sandbox, which edark is meddling with.
over 7 years
i give my consent to anyone that wants to send me d1ck pics
over 7 years
so why are you so uppity about people doing stuff
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years
bigpock did nothing wrong tbh
deletedover 7 years
I appreciate your thoughtfulness of my well being, thecolonel, but I'm a strong pupper

idling by waiting for a reply eddy
over 7 years
by stay safe i mean cancel your internet to avoid an anxiety induced heart attack
deletedover 7 years
what are yall b1tching about? HONESTLY? arcbell did all that hacking stuff and is back and now a mod. riotkiller almost got the damn site shut down and forced us to implemented rules (that should've been implemented anyway honestly, but yall don't think so, so its a bad thing) that yall didnt want. YOU CAN DO ANYTHINGGGGG. ANYYYYYYTHINNNNNNNNNNG and not stay/be banned. this site doesn't take rules seriously.
over 7 years
stay safe jimbo
over 7 years

Devante says

thanks for the life hack

deletedover 7 years

Bigpock says

I'd love to hear what solace has to say after I explained the situation to him and Annajane for a few hours and AJ said she would unban me in two weeks, then she stepped down, and you let the next admin ban me. You are far from a leader and I'm glad your no longer the admin. But im sure ur a ok guy.

well i am glad things worked out for you

godspeed lol
over 7 years
i wouldnt touch you if we were the last 2 humans on earth
deletedover 7 years
and then I went on a 15 minute apology campaign to tell you I was just messing around with you and how sorry I was because you were offended and I felt bad seeing how I thought you were a pretty cool friend and i could joke around with u
over 7 years
be quiet bigpock im arguing against your ban and saying that they're inconsistent as hell.
deletedover 7 years
Ur just mad I told you I could snatch u from ur eboyfriend if I wanted too
deletedover 7 years is it true what they say about bigpock,
that he has a big...sock?
over 7 years

amor says

Forrest came to me telling me that he and a bunch of his friends had unsolicited pictures sent to him. A few girls confirmed this story. The reason why the mod team was so hype was due to the fact we thought he was using EM to be a creep. Later on, the girls I spoke to except one changed their stories.

BP hasn't been an issue since all that crud went down. I've heard no girls complaining about unsolicited pictures. TBF, I think it was a personal thing between him/Forrest that other people got dragged into. And, regardless, I don't think it makes anyone any better to continue to harass BigPock

And BP, Solace didn't want you banned. He was one of the people who said absolutely not.

im making the point that bp is far from the first or the last person to use EM as a hunting ground for girls to creep on off site. so if that's the precedent you want set, then you should apply it to everyone, not just him.

and i reserve the right to call bp a creep because he creeped on me on skype like a month ago.
over 7 years
It's weird when you think about it because the mentality of Sandbox people is that of a 12 year old, and if you're blasting pictures of your junk left and right in there, well, hmm . . .
deletedover 7 years
Forrest came to me telling me that he and a bunch of his friends had unsolicited pictures sent to him. A few girls confirmed this story. The reason why the mod team was so hype was due to the fact we thought he was using EM to be a creep. Later on, the girls I spoke to except one changed their stories.

BP hasn't been an issue since all that crud went down. I've heard no girls complaining about unsolicited pictures. TBF, I think it was a personal thing between him/Forrest that other people got dragged into. And, regardless, I don't think it makes anyone any better to continue to harass BigPock

And BP, Solace didn't want you banned. He was one of the people who said absolutely not.
over 7 years

amor says

Not if he was using EM as a hunting ground. At the end of the day, we wanted to keep everyone as safe as we could.

bigpock is gross, true, but if you're going to set the precedent where you can ban people for using EM as hunting grounds, you've got a long, long list of people to ban
deletedover 7 years
I'd love to hear what solace has to say after I explained the situation to him and Annajane for a few hours and AJ said she would unban me in two weeks, then she stepped down, and you let the next admin ban me. You are far from a leader and I'm glad your no longer the admin. But im sure ur a ok guy.
deletedover 7 years

Jimbei says

As far as this goes if it's actually true then I apologize for any libel in the past, I wish to live a humble non-harassed life just as much as any user, so if you will not make any more personal attacks against me as such done in the past it would be appreciated, Bigpock, and I can do the same.