deletedover 7 years

if you harass and discriminate against people constantly based on their race, sexuality, and gender orientation through mocking them, slurring them, outing their personal information, posting pictures of them and mocking the pictures, and evading on HUNDREDS of accounts through proxies it's OKAY! Just hope Edark's admin, and wait a few months for things to blow over.

I know there's been a lot of lenience on pedophiles, harassers and doxers but unbanning Cory really takes the cake. It's not like they'll be banned again real soon but wow I'm so glad to know I can OPI, dox and break ANY rule I want as long as I wait half a year just so I can do it again a few times before being perma banned again, then rinse and repeat.

This is the same man who's given fnoof power, and is the same man who let's people like this do what they want because he's okay with it.

deletedover 7 years
And riskit, in comparison to what Cory did, it would be fair to say that Error should be welcomed back to the site in 3-4 months, even sooner. As an 8 month timeout for doing all that I'd say error did half, if not less.
deletedover 7 years
yeah but quite a lot were
over 7 years

Jimbei says

Cory evades in the most obvious mocking way through proxies, constantly using different account names. That's why there have been hundreds of accounts banned.

All accounts thats starts on "CoryInDa" isnt actually cory lol
over 7 years

riskitforthebiscuit says

So how long are you waiting until you unban Error?

Idk, we'll see when he asks. But not in a long time, thats for sure.
deletedover 7 years
Cory evades in the most obvious mocking way through proxies, constantly using different account names. That's why there have been hundreds of accounts banned.
over 7 years
i vote for no rules
So how long are you waiting until you unban Error?
over 7 years

Lono says

Edark says

Jimbei says

1. Cory's been kept banned for 2 years for a reason, and yes quite a lot of it was on her part too. Were you there Edark? Did you count all the alts that were cory, and all the alts that were rednose?

2. You're not giving her a 2nd chance you're giving her the 3rd hundredth chance to stop ban evading and breaking the rules

3. "You guys are acting" why are you including me in this? What spam report? I reported Eddy for HC and said nothing else about that game. Don't group everyone who's against your decision together.

If you really want Cory back why don't you ban her from sandbox and let her play in main for a week, see how it goes. I'd rather her harass someone under your watch rather than forcing it to happen under Fred's.

2. Well yeah, I firmly believe leniency is the way t o go. If I were to be strict as prior admins were it would end up with me being admin of a dead site.

Stupid approach to take, you don't give leniency to constant rule breakers, if you think the only people who populate this site are rule breakers, trolls, etc, then you need to start taking steps to change that. Why do that all like to congregate here? Because they think its easy and can get away with it.

With the tools at hand its impossible to stop it with a strict approach(lucid wont with good reasons implement changes to stop people using proxies). By banning people we remove the few things they actually care about(their accounts) and we dont offer anything of value for them to stop them from simply bypassing.

Longer and harsher sentences also doesnt lower the amount of people whom get banned, it only raises the amount of people that bypasses.

Then again I dont really have the numbers to prove this but Im quite sure this is the case.
deletedover 7 years

StanleyPower says

this is some C- level drama

go start your own I'm not here for your amusement
over 7 years

Edark says

riskitforthebiscuit says

Edark says

riskitforthebiscuit says

Spams swastikas and says "I knew I made the reich choice"

Are you serious? You care when she quoted it once while eddyward spammed it the entire day and no one bats an eye LMAO

I posted this in a complaint thread about Cory. Its not like I reported Cory for it and not Eddyward. They're both in the wrong here. Why are you defending her so much after all the HC she has said over the years I don't understand

Because I care about every user and practice as much leniency as I can as people problably have noticed by now as I defend the undefendable quite often. I dont go out of my way to get people banned since in the end of the day, this is just a website to play werewolf and mafia on. I think I adopted this mindset from ex admin Cody, whom gave multiple leashes to many banned users. I personally think he went a little overboard, but considering Cory has been banned since 2014 I truly dont think its fair to keep her banned.

Im fully aware that Cory has done things in the past, but nearly all of the spam/trolling/OPI was conducted by rednose(why he did those things might involve Cory, Im not entirely sure about that tho).

I truly believes that every users deserves a second chance and at worst I'll just ban them again. Cory has expressed that she truly wishes to be unbanned and came to me directly regarding the muslim thing as she didnt think it was HC. I informed her it kinda is and I told her to apologize and I'd give her a last warning(according to the rules in place).

The " spam" report is a freaking joke tho and just shows how childish you guys are acting. That isnt HC of anyone beside eddyward, but a spamming violation would be the more appropiate violation.

do you have any sympathy at all for the lives you're destroying?
deletedover 7 years
this is some C- level drama
deletedover 7 years
8 months doesn't make it right
over 7 years

Jimbei says

Jimbei says

Edark says

Bebop says

I hit enter too early on that post and I'm on mobile so I can't delete it lol. anyway, I think you should have talked respectfully to edark about it before making a passive aggressive thread, even if I agree with you on some points.

She did pm me some passive aggressive insults and wonder why I didnt reply to all of her pms lul

You were being pretty aggressive about who sandbox owner was earlier behind the scenes, is it really that concerning to you how people act if you act the same way?

Im not entirely sure what you're refering to, but 2 wrongs doesnt make 1 right regardless.
deletedover 7 years

Edark says

2. Well yeah, I firmly believe leniency is the way t o go. If I were to be strict as prior admins were it would end up with me being admin of a dead site.

Repeat that to yourself for a minute. Is this really a site you want to be admin on then?
deletedover 7 years
anyway, arcmafia, hurry up, please
deletedover 7 years

Edark says

Jimbei says

1. Cory's been kept banned for 2 years for a reason, and yes quite a lot of it was on her part too. Were you there Edark? Did you count all the alts that were cory, and all the alts that were rednose?

2. You're not giving her a 2nd chance you're giving her the 3rd hundredth chance to stop ban evading and breaking the rules

3. "You guys are acting" why are you including me in this? What spam report? I reported Eddy for HC and said nothing else about that game. Don't group everyone who's against your decision together.

If you really want Cory back why don't you ban her from sandbox and let her play in main for a week, see how it goes. I'd rather her harass someone under your watch rather than forcing it to happen under Fred's.

2. Well yeah, I firmly believe leniency is the way t o go. If I were to be strict as prior admins were it would end up with me being admin of a dead site.

Stupid approach to take, you don't give leniency to constant rule breakers, if you think the only people who populate this site are rule breakers, trolls, etc, then you need to start taking steps to change that. Why do that all like to congregate here? Because they think its easy and can get away with it.
deletedover 7 years

Jimbei says

Edark says

Bebop says

I hit enter too early on that post and I'm on mobile so I can't delete it lol. anyway, I think you should have talked respectfully to edark about it before making a passive aggressive thread, even if I agree with you on some points.

She did pm me some passive aggressive insults and wonder why I didnt reply to all of her pms lul

You were being pretty aggressive about who sandbox owner was earlier behind the scenes, is it really that concerning to you how people act if you act the same way?

Edark says

The " spam" report is a freaking joke tho and just shows how childish you guys are acting. That isnt HC of anyone beside eddyward, but a spamming violation would be the more appropiate violation.

There is no report. Why are you acting like there was? No one reported Cory for that all I did was post it in this complaint thread.
over 7 years

Bigpock says

It was this

are your nips really dark or just hairy
over 7 years

Jimbei says

1. Cory's been kept banned for 2 years for a reason, and yes quite a lot of it was on her part too. Were you there Edark? Did you count all the alts that were cory, and all the alts that were rednose?

2. You're not giving her a 2nd chance you're giving her the 3rd hundredth chance to stop ban evading and breaking the rules

3. "You guys are acting" why are you including me in this? What spam report? I reported Eddy for HC and said nothing else about that game. Don't group everyone who's against your decision together.

If you really want Cory back why don't you ban her from sandbox and let her play in main for a week, see how it goes. I'd rather her harass someone under your watch rather than forcing it to happen under Fred's.

1. Kinda, I've been here for quite a long time. Im quite sure that out of anyone I got the best understanding of what happend out of everyone involved and on the modteam aswell.
2. Well yeah, I firmly believe leniency is the way t o go. If I were to be strict as prior admins were it would end up with me being admin of a dead site.
3. Well I didnt specify names, but it wasnt directed at you. What was directed at you was the passive agressive insults you hurled at me in PM's which I found childish.
deletedover 7 years

sweetnkind says

if the ppl she doxxed dont want her banned u shouldnt either

they do and while I want her banned for doxxing them I want her banned for other reasons too. I don't have to make everything about me you know.

One of the people who were doxxed said they did not want to speak here due to not wanting Cory to pick up where she left off 8 months ago
deletedover 7 years
1. Cory's been kept banned for 2 years for a reason, and yes quite a lot of it was on her part too. Were you there Edark? Did you count all the alts that were cory, and all the alts that were rednose?

2. You're not giving her a 2nd chance you're giving her the 3rd hundredth chance to stop ban evading and breaking the rules

3. "You guys are acting" why are you including me in this? What spam report? I reported Eddy for HC and said nothing else about that game. Don't group everyone who's against your decision together.

If you really want Cory back why don't you ban her from sandbox and let her play in main for a week, see how it goes. I'd rather her harass someone under your watch rather than forcing it to happen under Fred's.
deletedover 7 years
if the ppl she doxxed dont want her banned u shouldnt either
over 7 years

riskitforthebiscuit says

Edark says

riskitforthebiscuit says

Spams swastikas and says "I knew I made the reich choice"

Are you serious? You care when she quoted it once while eddyward spammed it the entire day and no one bats an eye LMAO

I posted this in a complaint thread about Cory. Its not like I reported Cory for it and not Eddyward. They're both in the wrong here. Why are you defending her so much after all the HC she has said over the years I don't understand

Because I care about every user and practice as much leniency as I can as people problably have noticed by now as I defend the undefendable quite often. I dont go out of my way to get people banned since in the end of the day, this is just a website to play werewolf and mafia on. I think I adopted this mindset from ex admin Cody, whom gave multiple leashes to many banned users. I personally think he went a little overboard, but considering Cory has been banned since 2014 I truly dont think its fair to keep her banned.

Im fully aware that Cory has done things in the past, but nearly all of the spam/trolling/OPI was conducted by rednose(why he did those things might involve Cory, Im not entirely sure about that tho).

I truly believes that every users deserves a second chance and at worst I'll just ban them again. Cory has expressed that she truly wishes to be unbanned and came to me directly regarding the muslim thing as she didnt think it was HC. I informed her it kinda is and I told her to apologize and I'd give her a last warning(according to the rules in place).

The " spam" report is a freaking joke tho and just shows how childish you guys are acting. That isnt HC of anyone beside eddyward, but a spamming violation would be the more appropiate violation.
deletedover 7 years

mindful says

who did cory opi?

two users in particular but she dug up dirt on anyone who was getting her banned