this'll be my league megathread where i post about my life in league of legends
deletedalmost 8 years
This is going to be a life saver for you, as soon as you enter the game just do /mute all. Also just pretend your jungler doesn't exist when you play games and get into the mentality that you won't get a gank, that way you won't be disappointted when you don't get ganks
deletedalmost 8 years
i've literally told you just find an ivern main to duoq with
Just played a game. Was pretty ahead. Jungler was trying to spite me by ignoring me and pretending to gank. ie. get in a nearby bush, ping the enemy laner. Right as I'd go in, he'd leave.
So, I threw the game and farmed his jungle so he stayed level 10 while we were all level 14. I let him die multiple times. He kept spam pinging me to annoy me.
when will decent junglers who actually try to help their laners show up in my games