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over 7 years

Hey friends! It's time to wrap up Snow's Winter Morning Madness (feat. a game hosted only by nattless because of an alarm clock mishap). I've finally got my schedule sorted, so it's time to announce when our trophy game is happening:

Saturday, January 14th, 8am ET

Yes, that's in the morning for all the North Americans.

There are two reasons this announcement is so late:

The first is the qualification system for the trophy game. We've had issues in the past of inactive users or friends of known users showing up to compete specifically in trophy games. A lot of the time, these players have out-of-game friendships which heavily impact how they play (making the game a little unfair), and they don't have a demonstrated interest in being a part of the Survivor lobby. For this reason, the qualification for the trophy game is that you have played or hosted any game in the lobby some time since the start of November. You cannot qualify from this point on. So if you haven't participated since October, then I apologize, but you can't play in this trophy game. Originally the game was announced as having a series of 3 qualifying games, so this is much more open than originally planned.

The second is that I will not be allowing brand new secret alts in this trophy game. If you have a secret alt and you've played a game on it, it will be allowed. If you haven't, it won't be allowed.

So, in order to reserve, just reply to this thread. If I don't recognize you, I'll ask for proof (via screencap or link) of a game you've played since November in a private message. I'll be taking reserves up to an hour before the game. If you're unsure of if you'll play or not, I'd suggest reserving. I'll be making a pregame chat and sending out the password to all reserves at 8:00am sharp, and the game will be made for the number of players in the pregame chat at 8:15.

tl;dr Reserve in comments, you have to have played/hosted at least once since the start of November.

Most corrupt Suvivor lobby moderator?
over 7 years
Tenta :3
over 7 years
finally the trophy game got announced. reserving! (im cinna)
over 7 years
over 7 years
I'm going to rig it so I win the poll.
deletedover 7 years
That's why he's proud of you.
over 7 years
Did you see the poll?
over 7 years
Proud of you Snow.