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Analysing Political Corruption

about 8 years

There are a few things that can be true or false about a location based on the rates, including political corruption. Right now in the United States, it's extremely easy to view the large amount of political corruption because of how many people can easily get away with murder and other crimes. Corrupt politicians are going to actively work at attempting to make it harder if not impossible for themselves to get in trouble for anything they have done wrong that they don't want to get caught for. This is why there is currently so much internet activism that revolves around the NSA and other corporations; because this gives the corrupt politicians a medium forum for using double standards against political opponents. This wasn't used for terrorism as much as it was used for destroying political opponents. Certain laws protect criminals when they are committing a crime. Many of these laws involve where and what can be watched, and when. If a murder happens on corporate property and the body gets thrown into the middle of the damn ocean on an oil rig, do you think anyone is going to find out what happened to you?

Today, more then ever, there is a huge amount of political influence on the internet because of the attempt by criminals, even going as dark as sex traffickers attempting to lobby for sex trafficking, trying to get away with crimes and turning our own tax money against us. There isn't even incentive to work in the modern world, as the money you gain isn't even worth enough anymore that you would be better off going off the grid, but, corporate lobbyist help make everything federal property, giving nobody the ability to leave the system they are forced to follow in order to do their own thing. You are like a bee in a beehive and they come to take your honey for themselves without themselves having to do any work. What do you do then? Break the law on a massive scale?

I'v said before that a nation is a living organism and as you've all seen from this election, the fact that Hillary not only almost won, but, that the television lied the entire time about the odds Trump had of winning, should make it obvious that the United States has cancer. The very system for gaining power federally is under attack and people are literally being assassinated and called suicides based on their political point of view. Event FBI agents end up being found dead or being murdered in public, in locations that have a homicide rate of 1 per decade. There are more people right now who are criminals and have the capability to get away with crime while being protected by the law, then there are people who will defend themselves from these criminals and political corruption, that will not end up getting murdered or incriminated for it. So what do you do? It's illegal for activist to tell people they should commit a crime to stop a criminal, so the odds are really stacked against you here. When you make a move, so do corporations with a lot of money who threaten entire economies.

Right now, jobs could be replaced from manual labor to full automation. If the CIA knows that China is using asymmetric warfare to lower the value of the dollar, then why haven't they used automation to pick the value back up and reduce foreign dependency? Why is China so brave about the South China sea and nuclear war? If we don't need China, then we don't need to use China. If it means war over slavery, then we need to go to war. The reason nothing is being done politically is because either China knows certain people have something to hide and are blackmailing them, or very corrupt politicians are afraid to lose the power they had via money.

about 8 years
about 8 years
The only solution involves taking advantage of the majority of the population for economic stimulation. If not for economic, security, and ethic consequences, a drastic population decline in the United States would otherwise solve social and environmental issues, leading to a sustainable and happy lifestyle. As for now, we are unable to support the vast majority of Americans. This has become more evident with the rise of automation. I hope that somehow we can decrease the population substantially before it is too late.
deletedabout 8 years
Delenda est Carthago
deletedabout 8 years

LastProphet says

nepenthe take your Catholic curses somewhere else. None of that latin garboje translates to enlish.

quoted from Wikipedia... "In publishing and graphic design, lorem ipsum (derived from Latin dolorem ipsum, translated as "pain itself") is a filler text commonly used to demonstrate the graphic elements of a document or visual presentation. Replacing meaningful content with placeholder text allows designers to design the form of the content before the content itself has been produced.[citation needed]

The lorem ipsum text is typically a scrambled section of De finibus bonorum et malorum, a 1st-century BC Latin text by Cicero, with words altered, added, and removed to make it nonsensical, improper Latin."
deletedabout 8 years
Merry Christmas to you too LastProphet :P
about 8 years
nepenthe take your Catholic curses somewhere else. None of that latin garboje translates to enlish.
about 8 years
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in lobortis neque. Aenean mattis, orci at finibus dapibus, magna lacus imperdiet diam, vitae tincidunt urna sapien quis nisl. Integer convallis condimentum leo nec blandit. Quisque scelerisque magna nisl, sit amet lobortis purus aliquam id. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Etiam molestie ultrices nisi, vitae elementum lacus ullamcorper sed. Fusce dignissim congue mi ac dignissim. Phasellus posuere eu sapien id vulputate. Sed ultrices sed justo a rhoncus. Suspendisse pretium ante nec odio fringilla efficitur. Etiam porta fermentum enim et posuere. Cras urna augue, gravida vitae sodales eu, facilisis nec nisi. Nulla vestibulum velit ullamcorper porttitor faucibus. Nam convallis euismod magna nec egestas. Vivamus ante tortor, euismod in commodo vitae, congue eu diam.

Duis scelerisque tempus nibh, eu pulvinar purus fermentum hendrerit. Mauris porttitor libero orci, eu ornare enim venenatis sit amet. Maecenas cursus orci vitae fringilla ultricies. In sem felis, porta nec ullamcorper non, sollicitudin sed nunc. Mauris non placerat mi, vel convallis lacus. Praesent ac ante magna. Nam in tellus id lectus luctus maximus. Donec malesuada malesuada diam, accumsan pulvinar enim facilisis non. Mauris orci nulla, volutpat porta mauris quis, fermentum pharetra lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus ut nisl eu ante dapibus lacinia. Curabitur iaculis, arcu eu ultricies convallis, nibh quam rhoncus ex, sed iaculis libero tellus vitae magna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut venenatis vel lectus vel ullamcorper. Praesent et commodo tortor. Cras sollicitudin ligula a tristique luctus.
about 8 years