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Project365: 2017

over 7 years

Welcome to Project 365!

Project 365 (or p365, 366 for leap years) is a photo project in which a person takes and/or uploads a photo once a day, every day, for an entire year. This thread is a guide to p365 where you will find places in which you can upload your project, more information on what it's all about, and creep through everyone else's projects and progress.

More tips and info on P365
What is a 365 Project?
Consider Starting a Photography Project 365 in the New Year
More info and tips on Photojojo, somewhat outdated tho

A guide 2 p365 (adapted from this)
1. There are no rules. Your photos do not have be beautiful, professional, HQ, or anything. All they have to do is exist. This is a journal, first and foremost.
2. If you think you'll forget, set an alarm for the time of day in which you're most likely free to take a photo.
3. You can use anything that can take a photo: a phone, a laptop, a disposable, a point-and-shoot, an slr, whatever u have that can take a pic can be ur tool for this project.
4. Take your camera with you everywhere you go. Your phone is most likely to be your #1 camera for this project so this is pretty much automatic. Yay for it not being 2003!
5. Make a "back up" list of things you want to photograph and add to it throughout the year. This is especially useful for days in which you feel you have nothing to photograph.
6. It's okay to miss a day. It's a sucky feeling but don't let it discourage you from continuing the project.
7. You can start your project on any day of the year. Most people tend to start at the beginning of the year/end of the previous year but it honestly does not matter, especially since it's hard to finish projects you start on right at the beginning of the year. So consider starting when it feels best for you.
8. Encourage someone else to take on the project! It's a lot easier to stay motivated if a pal or relative is working on one too. Also that's pm why I made this thread tbh.

So you want to start a Project? Where do you post it?
There are a lot of good options for places to upload and work on your Project. Try to pick a site you know you'll go on daily. Here are some options/suggestions:

Make an album on imgur
or Flickr
or Photobucket
Make a main or sideblog on tumblr (you can also just post it on your existing main and make a tag for it)
or Blogspot
Make a dedicated instagram for it.
Make a thread for it in the Personal section of the Sandbox forum

You can also make an album on FB if you're comfortable with that. It doesn't have to be public of course and you don't have to be public about making one on here at all if you're going that route or a similar one. This is mostly to just inspire you to make one and share if you're willing.



If you're interested in participating just link to where you'll be working on your 365 and I'll add you to the list!
For motivation we can do stuff like posting our favorite photos/moments of the week or something? Idk something like that. Also open to any suggestions. If you have any questions lmk. I'm allowing post deletion in case you decide at any point you would rather make your project private (also dm me so I can unlink ur stuff).

I feel good. I knew that I would.
So good
So good
I got you
over 7 years

Kenny says

this is gay. even for me

yeah, but you're straight so sign up anyway
over 7 years
this is gay. even for me
over 7 years
I'll do this! Still deciding on whether or not I wanna use my regular tumblr blog or a side blog :~)
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years
i'm going to do this ill probably do a personal thread or a tumblr i'm undecided
over 7 years
nope! it's just a picture a day as a record of your year
deletedover 7 years
are these projects themed?
over 7 years
over 7 years
over 7 years
i'm also joining

i have an insta that i only ever used to follow so i'll prolly just start posting on that one
deletedover 7 years
i'll probably make an insta too or a sideblog on tumblr, but i'm pretty forgetful haha
over 7 years
i'm going to do this, i'll make an insta for it later and also crosspost it to a personal thread here as well i think? i like this concept a lot
over 7 years

arials92 says

Ugh I tried to do this a few months ago and I got behind so much in it. I really need to start again. I think I'm in.

no guilt! it took me legit 5 years to do one and even then i was missing like somewhere between 7-15 days
over 7 years

aquarius says

im joining just tryna decide if i wanna post it on tumblr or make an insta cuz i dont have one

it's honestly a lot better/easier if you chose something you know you'll use everyday
over 7 years
I'll consider doing this but honestly, I'd probably forget to take one when im awake some days.
deletedover 7 years
i'll definitely consider doing this!!
deletedover 7 years
Ugh I tried to do this a few months ago and I got behind so much in it. I really need to start again. I think I'm in.
over 7 years
im joining just tryna decide if i wanna post it on tumblr or make an insta cuz i dont have one