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Sweetie69 has left us .............

over 7 years

It is with an aching heart that I must announce that beloved Sandbox user Sweetie69 has left this website.

The heart of the chatbox, he has been the literal epitome of sweetnes and brought many happy moments to those who were graced to meet him.

As for his reason of deletion, he did it to become more productive irl.

Thus, as the terrible year of 2016 is coming to an end, let us rejoice that another one of us has escaped this website.

Sweetie69 was...
Just wonderful
2 cool 4 u
over 7 years
>this poll. I didn't even know this existed. XD
over 7 years

ObitoSigma says

RIP 69's alt

deletedover 7 years
Sweetie69.... ;-;


over 7 years
over 7 years
RIP 69's alt
deletedover 7 years
rip sweetie69 i will miss you and your rare banana eating technique
over 7 years

Ben says

sweetie isnt a grill lol

sad 2 see him go he was a cool and funny guy

oh shet true lmao
over 7 years
sweetie isnt a grill lol

sad 2 see him go he was a cool and funny guy
over 7 years
over 7 years
lol bye loser
over 7 years

SirAmelio says

rip i tried to get her to stay

you should have tried harder
over 7 years
rip i tried to get her to stay
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years
Oh... Bye...
over 7 years

riskitforthebiscuit says

She was really bad at ghosts

I bet she kicked your in battle snakes though
She was really bad at ghosts
deletedover 7 years
rip in rip....