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Schröodinger Cat

almost 8 years

Let's hear your thoughts on this role. It seems like it could coincide with the game on thematic grounds, but I'm not too certain about its mechanics.


  • Can scratch one person each night.
  • Scratching causes profuse bleeding.
  • Wins immediately if there is a 50% chance of being hammered during voting.
  • Can win with the town instead, while receiving substantially less points.

It's a Fool variant with offensive capabilities. The Schrodinger Cat would generally need to reach a three-way to have a chance at winning.

almost 8 years
@async the cat just needs to exist in a state where it's 50% as likely to be killed as it is to survive. It doesn't have to be an RNG role.
deletedalmost 8 years
Choose 1 person to put in a poisoned box every night, you do not know if the poison worked until you open the box. Once you open the box(once per game, during day), each person in the box has a 50% chance of dying or being poisoned
almost 8 years
schrödinger's cat is 50% poisoned and 50% not and checking will pick one of the two. prior to checking it cant do anything bc it's in a box. if it lives it will get to do normal stuff if not it dies from poison. gotta stay true to the original kitty. also both of u are wrong the cat experiment isn't a truth of quantum physics it's a thing that isn't supposed to be true at all. a PARADOX. learn ur damn quantum physics
almost 8 years
I wholeheartedly support any cat-based roles because I am shallow and like cats. I think it would be fun.
almost 8 years
bc ur conceptualizations of quantum physics are all wrong
almost 8 years
okay hear me out
schrodinger's cat is assigned a random day at which they will win. they have a night and day meeting, at which that can choose to check if they've won or not. they can't check twice, and that's the only way they can win