deleted about 8 years
upvote this if u think my old password was actually pretty good
deleted about 8 years
admin says maybe i need to build in 2fa.. luv u admin <3 <3
maybe i need to build in 2fa..
deleted about 8 years
Arcbell says Yeah pls give all information U have on this be as detailed as possible.. name of account whispering passwords, accounts being targeted, etc. Zigma gave me permission to post this she already changed her password
deleted about 8 years
you people are f*cking sick and should feel disgusted with yourselves
Wait if you guys want my password its "chickenwingsforlife"
Forrest says if this comment gets to 20 upvotes ill put my shoe in my mouth I'm waiting
deleted about 8 years
People who have a hard time pressing random buttons on their keyboard. People like Fader.
deleted about 8 years
ya, wtf, who uses a password generator
really not that hard to come up with a good password People should probably know that the password generator website in the OP logs what it gives you along with your IP address, then matches the new password to your email through public releases of IP-email links.
deleted about 8 years
Please take my banned throwaway account from me
It would take a computer about 731,540,653,686,535,400,000,000,000,000 OCTOGINTILLION YEARS
sweetnkind says lets all post our passwords in this thread to beat them to the punch Arcbellfan6969
This is impossible, I thought our passwords were securely encrypted with ROT13.
deleted about 8 years
sweetnkind says lets all post our passwords in this thread to beat them to the punch XxMagaxX9696
deleted about 8 years
lets all post our passwords in this thread to beat them to the punch
Yeah pls give all information U have on this be as detailed as possible.. name of account whispering passwords, accounts being targeted, etc.
deleted about 8 years
is it just mains?
deleted about 8 years
It would take a computer about 7 HUNDRED PICOSECONDS
Do we have any info on who's passwords are being whispered to them?
FullOnRapist says If this happened how I think it happened then password strength is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.