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quick question

deletedover 7 years

if we went camping together and u forgot ur toothbrush what would u do?

u would...
not brush ur teeth like a degenerate
use my toothbrush without asking
ask if you can use my tootuh brush
deletedover 7 years
is there wifi so we can play hearthstone together?
deletedover 7 years
wow nly 4 people would use my toothbrush.....d o u all really think im that dsigusting??????/
over 7 years
im a degenerate who doesnt brush his teeths
over 7 years
I actually never do...
over 7 years
ive probably put worse things in my mouth than an object you put bacteria killing cleaning paste on regularly
deletedover 7 years
i'll just put some dip in and go sit in the tree stand
deletedover 7 years

Jimbei says

I'd feel more sanitary if anything that touched your mouth didn't touch mine

how about we skip the middle man and just rub our mouths together then bby
deletedover 7 years
If you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best
deletedover 7 years
I'd feel more sanitary if anything that touched your mouth didn't touch mine
deletedover 7 years
Do we have paper towels? I wet a paper towel down and wrap it around my finger and brush with it.
deletedover 7 years
I actually never do...
over 7 years
I actually never do...
over 7 years
I actually never do...
deletedover 7 years

aquarius says

how long are we camping for and is it near civilization

we're on some blairwitch sh*t
over 7 years
*wakes up this isnt real*
over 7 years
how long are we camping for and is it near civilization
over 7 years
over 7 years
would u let me use ur tootuh brush?