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Anon Survivor Anarchy Game

over 7 years

From the people who brought you the Anon Heroes v Villains game (which was incredibly epic), my cohost powerofdeath and I present a NEW Anon Survivor game....


****The game will feature two main twists on Survivor:

1) There will be no tribes. Everyone starts out on the same tribe and it will be a free for all as if merge occurred right at the beginning of the game.

2) Everyone will be playing on an alt that is secret to everyone else in the game. This is done to ensure that there will be no prior meta affecting the game.****

You must create an alt that nobody else knows. You then must PM me or powerofdeath the name of the alt you wish to use. You cannot tell anybody your hidden alt anywhere, or anytime. This also includes the final jury, or speaking to the jury in the GY. You cannot tell the jury or the players your identity. Doing so defeat the entire purpose of Anonymous game. We will be enforcing this strictly just like last game.

The game will be on Saturday, November 19, 8 PM EST. This will give you sufficient time to make an alt and PM us before then.

Finally, spots will be given out on a first come first serve basis. We recommend that you PM us early with your alt so that you have a spot reserved for the game. Last game, we had A LOT of players and reserves and not enough spots, so make sure you reserve early.

Favourite Form of Government?
No Government (ANARCHY)
Democratic Republic
over 7 years
Still accepting some last minute signups for the game!

This will be happening in only 2 days!
over 7 years
ok BUMP. Only 6 days away!

For those of you who did not send in an alt when you registered, you must do so soon!
deletedover 7 years
Voice told me his hidden alt, chuck him out of the game.
over 7 years
Right now, we have too many signups and too few spots to give out. Therefore, if anyone tells anyone their hidden alt name, we will be immediately taking away your spot and giving it to someone on the waitlist.

This game will be really hype - get pumped!
over 7 years
Bump. All 20 spots have already been reserved. If I did not respond to you, you are 1 of the 20.

Every subsequent signup will be put on a waitlist with people who sign up early having priority.

There is currently 1 person already on waitlist so still sign up if you want to play!
over 7 years
omg i want to play
over 7 years
We currently have 17 reserves. If you're interested in playing, reserve SOON - spots are filling up quick.
over 7 years
i reserve
over 7 years
Other Highlights from last game:

Day 5 Confessionals:

Barcode: I just f2d AnonCat I really trust him/her

Day 6 Confessionals:

also barcode? sketch. randomly offering a f2. cool... not loyal. byeeeeeeeee
over 7 years
You can reserve and tell us your alt at a later date as well.
over 7 years
Highlight from last game: Sonia on alt in jury criticizing StiltsonIce's gameplay in f2 when Stilts was HighSpace.

when that's a lie
01:11 quickshot
we both know that
01:13 quickshot
hero are not
01:16 quickshot
if you are a vet
01:18 quickshot
you're not anymore
01:20 quickshot
because that's a lie
with that move you proved that
over 7 years
Please do not post comments about reserving for this game in this post as we do not want people to have ANY IDEA about who is playing.