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Round 464 Discussion

over 7 years

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almost 6 years
why would u go aroun dcalling someone a pedophile if u didnt actually know anything about them or what happened
almost 6 years
i want to make one thing c lear here. i was not comparing blister to bill cosby because of the whole rapey thing i just think that blister rcould pull off a "hey hey hey its faaaat cosby!" like he did in that one show
deletedalmost 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

the lowest is 12 in Angola

i guess you're gonna travel to Angola then huh
almost 6 years
just because a teen has gone through puberty doesn't make that teen able to give proper consent to someone significantly older than they are
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
ii haven't read the entire context for this but please don't be pro-pedophilia
almost 6 years
age of consent being low somewhere in the world doesn't automatically make it ethical
almost 6 years
Petty human laws, but rabbits can still fk whenever they want
almost 6 years
that'll be for people over 15/18. the 12-15 rule will be to stop teens getting in trouble for banging, and that could be linked to kids getting married off by their families (idk if it's a thing there or not)
almost 6 years
The age of consent in Angola is 12 regardless of sexual orientation and/or gender.[2] However, while rarely prosecuted, sexual relations with a child between the ages of 12 and 15 are considered sexual abuse which is punishable with up to 8 years in prison.[3]
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
in some countries in africa you can consent at 11 i think
almost 6 years
technically marijuana is illegal, doesn't mean people don't do it or that it's morally wrong
almost 6 years
under 18 if she was American. technically illegal to swap nudes, and America's the only jurisdiction i've ever heard of actually prosecuting that
almost 6 years
I’m pretty sure the girl in the yami incident was 17 and he was 19 so what’s the issue ?
almost 6 years
the nudes thing was an issue, bc of the prnography laws. fun fact: denmark allows you to take nudes of yourself if you're 15 (age of consent) as long as it's only for the purpose of sharing with friends (such as partners) or keeping for yourself.
almost 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

I feel like we've had this discussion before, but unless you're like 20/21+, 16 isn't creepy.

also yeah, age of consent is 16 in most western countries, so she can do whatever the she likes. nudes are 18+ though bc of prnography laws.

I mean we have. That’s why I kept calling u a hypocrite for harassing blister. That’s alsowhy lazyYami coaxing a girl into giving him nudes was not an issue. Tumblr users of this site however would compare him to Bill Cosby
almost 6 years
I feel like we've had this discussion before, but unless you're like 20/21+, 16 isn't creepy.

also yeah, age of consent is 16 in most western countries, so she can do whatever the she likes. nudes are 18+ though bc of prnography laws.
almost 6 years
The age of consent in NZ, where he’s from is 16
almost 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

well then why's it a big deal, 16 is perfectly fine

almost 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

well then why's it a big deal, 16 is perfectly fine

this but unironically if you're 18
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
well then why's it a big deal, 16 is perfectly fine
deletedalmost 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

see blister, you're finally learning that numbers with more than one digit are fun

you're acting like he went after 8 year olds, she was 16 dude
almost 6 years
see blister, you're finally learning that numbers with more than one digit are fun