deletedover 7 years

This is your one shot do not miss your chance to blow, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime.

Ask me personal questions.

Ask me to impromptu rap on a subject.

Ask me for general wisdom.

Ask me anything. I offer an opinion in the player list in return.

over 7 years
deletedover 7 years
I knew bane was lying about me being the best cat ;-;
deletedover 7 years

quiche says

what do you think of the bane in the batman and robin movie?

he was a big guy like me
deletedover 7 years

rockgirlnikki says

Favorite penguin?

You are the best.
deletedover 7 years

Ohdearmycatisgone says

Where do I fall on the cat scale?

First video game you ever beat?

You are actually the best cat.
I think I first beat StarFox 64.
deletedover 7 years

BaneofMafia says

Herredy says

How do I become coolest cat in the chat? :O

What are your hobbies? :3

Why did you change your avi from the doge? :O

I like reading, rock climbing and watching old movies.

Doge is a 2013 meme.

lol sneaky dodge ;)
over 7 years
what do you think of the bane in the batman and robin movie?
over 7 years
Favorite penguin?
deletedover 7 years
Where do I fall on the cat scale?

First video game you ever beat?
deletedover 7 years

Herredy says

How do I become coolest cat in the chat? :O

What are your hobbies? :3

Why did you change your avi from the doge? :O

I like reading, rock climbing and watching old movies.

Doge is a 2013 meme.
deletedover 7 years
How do I become coolest cat in the chat? :O

What are your hobbies? :3

Why did you change your avi from the doge? :O
deletedover 7 years

Christopherzilla says

How did you become so popular?

I inherited it from my father who inherited it from his father.

nightmarePhantom says

hello friend, what friendly action is your favorite

I think getting to know the people you encounter on a daily basis is important. Often times people go by security guards, janitors, cashiers, etc. without even saying hi. Why not make friends at every opportunity you get?
deletedover 7 years

Sweetie69 says

Best movie that's so bad it's good?

Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans
Can never go wrong with Nic Cage.
deletedover 7 years

OhLookACat says

that was so awesome :00

now do a crap rap

You think im funna stoop so low to spit about poop
here's the scoop, the real truth, learned it from Snoop
there's a crap map app that shows the the unseen
you gotta dig through it, light up and smoke the green
whoever's shiit don't stink be the real creep
cuz that shiits inside of them in and its startin to seep
over 7 years

BaneofMafia says

could've took a nap but now you on my lap

as a cat I relate to this on a spiritual level
deletedover 7 years

SirAmelio says

love me baneofmafia

Te quiero mucho hermano. Vos has sido un buen lider en esta communidad. Siempre te digo que yo considero tus opiniones muy valuables y me encuentro de acuerdo contigo con frequencia. Espero que seas igual en la vida real.
over 7 years
hello friend, what friendly action is your favorite
over 7 years
How did you become so popular?
deletedover 7 years

ChefCrackhead says

hey fan buddy

1. are you the biggest guy you know?

No there are bigger men than I. But someday I will be as big as them.

2. how much ya bench?

I haven't benched my max in years. When I did it was about 165 lbs.

3. why are you voting for the hill?

I haven't decided if I am. I don't particularly like her as a person, but I agree with her on social issues and I think she is the best choice for the economy.
deletedover 7 years
Best movie that's so bad it's good?
over 7 years
that was so awesome :00

now do a crap rap
over 7 years
love me baneofmafia
deletedover 7 years

Dag says

whats your fav game

Rocket League

desta says

desta2m 10s
favorite dog breed

German Shepherds

OhLookACat says

do a rap rap

You fell into my trap thinking I could rap
could've took a nap but now you on my lap
kill you like a sparrow like Captain Barbossa
call me teacher cuz my lyrics are verbose huh
I rap real quick and I rap real smooth
ask another question but pay at the booth
over 7 years
hey fan buddy

1. are you the biggest guy you know?

2. how much ya bench?

3. why are you voting for the hill?
over 7 years
do a rap rap