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about 8 years

The em debating going on is very unprofessional.

Here is an example of one of the teams argument: (Pamda and Xero)

VILDEN SHOULD BE UNBANNED 1)Vilden can change: :Vilden may have been treated poorly from others , and this is why he is so negative and mean towards people. They should be given a chance to repent and think about their mistakes, instead of being thrown out for their fowl language. Surely Vilden has done lot of mistakes but people who he raged against aint saints either. We believe VILDEN CAN CHANGE!!!!!!

2) He doesn't have many game related vios, they're mostly community Violations.

3) Lately the average level of comp players has been bad. A lot of players have no clue what they're doing and a lot of them are gt alts, trolls, etc. We need more good players like Vilden in order to get a good comp atmosphere.

Rebuttal: Our opponents may say that unbanning Vilden is a bad idea because he will keep on attacking other players if he is unbanned. But banning him won't change anything. He will bypass and make threads about the same people.

In closing, we think that the best thing to do in this situation is to let Vilden play games but forum ban him for some time. In fact, most of his HC/harassment vios come from the forums and not from games. UNBAN VILDEN!!

I have highlighted a few comical spelling and grammatical mistakes. (Unnecessary capitalisation of letters, misspelling of foul, treated poorly BY others* etc.)

Not to mention a lot of the logic behind this team's arguments is completely flawed. Suggesting that due to the level of comp being poor we should unban rule breakers is a laughable statement. Trying to say that since Vilden will bypass we should choose to not punish him is blatantly opposite reasoning to the key purpose of punishment. Bypassing should in fact reduce Vilden's likelihood to be unbanned. The statement saying that the people Vilden harassed "aint saints" is a fallacy of an argument (the basic principle of two wrongs don't make a right). This team suggests that Vilden "can change" when he was warned several times regarding harassment/hc and continued to do so willingly.

I think this teams only valid and logical argument is their suggestion for a forum ban, based on Vilden's discrepancies being predominantly linked to his forum activity. However considering Vilden's blatant ignorance for the rules and warnings of moderators and his tendency to bypass his suspension, I can't see any strong argument for leniency.

about 8 years

Lila says

Btw english is my third language.

Corruption is her first language. lol
about 8 years

jack says

johnreid says

jack says

you care way too much

The integrity of this site is worth my time and effort. I am simply a good Samaritan who speaks his honest mind.

As a moderator I would assume you should care to a greater degree than I, a simple face in the crowd.

a forum game involving debates has 0 impact on how the site will function, and my entire tenure as mod has been defined by apathy

I refer not to the mechanism itself which you have correctly defined as a forum game, yet the context to which this debate refers. The banning and unbanning of a user is well within the realms of consideration for a moderator.

I however am pleased to hear you are putting your efforts towards things of greater importance.
about 8 years

Lila says

I got home at 9:45 when it was due at like 10pm. Do you think I'd spend like 3 hours working on an EM debate johnnyboy? Btw english is my third language, so sorry about those ''comical spelling and grammatical mistakes'' lol.

I do not condemn you for your efforts at all. I encourage the use and misuse of the English language at all levels as an instrument of expression. I do however expect a certain level of integrity and competence to be shown in a debate to which I was declined participation.

Those who were selected for this Debate were supposedly more qualified than myself and I am taken aback when the contrary is proven.
about 8 years

johnreid says

jack says

you care way too much

The integrity of this site is worth my time and effort. I am simply a good Samaritan who speaks his honest mind.

As a moderator I would assume you should care to a greater degree than I, a simple face in the crowd.

a forum game involving debates has 0 impact on how the site will function, and my entire tenure as mod has been defined by apathy
about 8 years

jack says

you care way too much

The integrity of this site is worth my time and effort. I am simply a good Samaritan who speaks his honest mind.

As a moderator I would assume you should care to a greater degree than I, a simple face in the crowd.
deletedabout 8 years
vilden does not owe this community an apology get the hell over yourself
deletedabout 8 years
I got home at 9:45 when it was due at like 10pm. Do you think I'd spend like 3 hours working on an EM debate johnnyboy? Btw english is my third language, so sorry about those ''comical spelling and grammatical mistakes'' lol.
about 8 years
I didn't read the thread, but sign me up and pm me when this forum game starts. lol
about 8 years
I am of the opinion that if Vilden were to apologise for his actions and show some indication that he will not repeat them, some form of early relief from punishment would be appropriate.
about 8 years
you care way too much
about 8 years

Becomeclear says

this whole debate is unethical because vilden cannot comment.
not to mention Jeff is one of the judges.

This isn't a trial for Vilden though its an independent debate weighing up the validity of his ban.

To be honest i'm all for leniency and early unbanning for users who have a positive contribution to the site that outweighs their negative and who are not innately malicious. However, the fact that Vilden continually bypasses, even with account names that are extremely discriminatory and inappropriate should not result in him being unbanned. Its inexcusable to show no remorse and issue no apology and expect to be "let off early" when you have broken the rules and been fairly banned.
about 8 years
this whole debate is unethical because vilden cannot comment.
not to mention Jeff is one of the judges.
deletedabout 8 years
johnnyreid this is why i love you