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It's Been Fun

over 7 years

When I bought Werewolves of Miller Hollow last year and realized I had no friends, it was then that I was stumbled upon Epicmafia: a sanctuary for the people just like me. It is so sad to see the end of Epicmafia. Poor Lucid is dealing with the stress and is probably hurting more than any of us are combined. So many people have come and gone in our history on Epicmafia. But we can move on from this.

There are more things in life than just Epicmafia. I for one am ecstatic about organizing an Economics club in my local town. I'm planning on hosting meetings in my mom's basement. She's 72 years old and said I get to inherit the house if she dies. Sweet. I can't wait to renovate this Economics house amirite?

As we part ways, it is evident that our lives shall be drastically different. How will you spend your lives after lucid closes the site soon? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

over 7 years
um morgan if u have contact w lucid can u please tell him to reset the password for one of my accounts it's fkn GONE and i'm PRETTY sure i used a temporary email for it rip
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years
*tears roll down cheeks* I-I don't know!
over 7 years
over 7 years
its joke