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EM's Next Top Profile: Cycle 2

deletedover 8 years

Hi. I’m here to announce signups for EM’s Next Top Profile: Cycle 2

If you’re unfamiliar with the first Cycle here’s the link to the game thread:

This Cycle’s Theme:

This Cycle not only will have the contestants be competing but the judges as well, because each judge will pick their own team from the applicants to “coach”. Whichever judge has the winner on their team will also win.

How it works:

Here is the link to the full details and explanations:

We learned a lot from Cycle 1 and have decided to make some changes in the way profiles will be scored. During this Cycle, different items on your profile will hold a different weight.

Here is the scoring breakdown:

Avatar/Bio - 10% each

Song/Background - 15% each

Creativity/Overall - 25% each

In addition to these changes, due to this Cycle’s theme elimination will be different. The team with the lowest collective scores will be the bottom team and the coach of that team will then have to decide who to eliminate off their team. There will also be no social scores.

This also primarily takes place over skype and you MUST be willing to participate in a long term game.

General Rules:

You must have backgrounds unlocked on your profile to signup.

You must send in an application to be considered to play the game.

You must be willing to commit to a long term game that will primarily take place over Skype.

You must post a screenshot of your full completed profile to the forum thread before judging.

You must conduct yourself in a reasonably respectful manner towards the judges as well as your fellow contestants.

How to apply:

To apply please fill out the following form:

We will be taking applications until 10/13

By signing up for this you understand that this competition is a long term process that communication for will primarily take place over skype.

As of right now, we are only taking applicants from those that did not compete in Cycle 1.


1st 2nd and 3rd will receive Squad lobby trophies

Bragging rights as the 2nd Top Profile of EM.

40 Tokens


We are not looking for any more judges at this time, but we will be having Guest Judges again.

               ![enter image description here][1]![enter image description here][2]![enter image description here][3]

                  **annabelle**       **calvin**         **cody**

                          ![enter image description here][4]![enter image description here][5]

                                 **retti**          **nattless**

Here is a link to a description about each judge at the bottom:

deletedover 8 years

cub says

songs should be a penalty

oh agree
over 8 years
songs should be a penalty
over 8 years
Ahoy obese
over 8 years
Get out.
over 8 years
You guys can check out my profile to see an example of an award winning profile.
over 8 years
just applied. :3c
deletedover 8 years
Ahoy babe
deletedover 8 years
sandbox people have profiles.
deletedover 8 years
This is Sandbox
deletedover 8 years
the other one hasn't even finished yet but heck yeah i'm in.