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Blowing on ice cream...

deletedover 8 years

Ok so this may sound stupid AF but if I have a really hot meal before I eat ice cream I will instinctly blow on the ice cream to cool it down even though it is a cold food... Does anyone else do this, I would like to know who is in the same catagory with me on this

Blow on ice cream?
I "blow" on my "ice cream" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I dont, your stupid.
I blow on my ice cream
over 8 years
you are not alone
deletedover 8 years

Herredy says

Ben says

BaneofMafia says

bdog1321 says

Ben says

I do this

I also blow on spicey food sometimes

No e in pspicy

There's no p in spicy either.


there's no y in sic

There's no c in si.
over 8 years

BaneofMafia says

bdog1321 says

Ben says

I do this

I also blow on spicey food sometimes

No e in pspicy

There's no p in spicy either.

The first one is silent
deletedover 8 years

Ben says

BaneofMafia says

bdog1321 says

Ben says

I do this

I also blow on spicey food sometimes

No e in pspicy

There's no p in spicy either.


there's no y in sic
over 8 years

BaneofMafia says

bdog1321 says

Ben says

I do this

I also blow on spicey food sometimes

No e in pspicy

There's no p in spicy either.

deletedover 8 years

bdog1321 says

Ben says

I do this

I also blow on spicey food sometimes

No e in pspicy

There's no p in spicy either.
deletedover 8 years
your breath will warm it making it less cold in your mouth


who doesn't blow on their ice cream?
over 8 years

Ben says

I do this

I also blow on spicey food sometimes

No e in pspicy
over 8 years
I do this

I also blow on spicey food sometimes
deletedover 8 years
Actually, might blowing on it make it hotter, I guess yeah because your breath is normally hotter than ice cream. Maybe there is a point then
deletedover 8 years
Complimentary bump!
