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TedTonate AMA

almost 8 years

Hey all, you may remember me from that game introducing myself as "Great Pro". Well now I will sit down for the remainder of the night answering personal/non personal questions about me and who I am as an individual. I've been an active member since August 2013 and having a AMA about me has been overdue as people hardly know much about me. The only thing I won't be doing in this AMA is posting pictures as I'm too lazy to do so.

So fire away!

almost 8 years
@OhLookACat I enjoy the name, nothing really historic about it.

@Kentarorox Gambling is one of my big vices.

@JamalMarley Everyone has a time to say what they need to say about themselves, I just felt it was time talk about myself more as people hardly know much about me.

@Moomo Not yet but DearLeaderKim is second Great Pro

@Herredy Speedrunning, gambling and trying new foods/drinks.

@ChefCrackhead No thanks, besides, I'd have to exchange the bucks to pound sterling and it's too much effort.
almost 8 years
want shoutout for 15 buck?
deletedalmost 8 years
Alright this next one comes from your secret admirer

"What are your favourite things to do?"
deletedalmost 8 years
Is there a greater pro than you in Sandbox?
almost 8 years
Why do you think you are interesting enough to do an AMA where people ask questions that they don't find when searching "questions to ask someone" on Google?
almost 8 years
Why arent you a millionaire yet?
almost 8 years
What keeps you up thinking at night?
almost 8 years
Why Ted Tonate?
almost 8 years
Have done since they went against Professor Layton. :D
almost 8 years
Avoid Phoenix Wright.
almost 8 years
Tough one Chris, but it would be between LoZ: Wind Waker HD and Super metroid. I love the soundtrack for Super metroid and being a big fan of speed runners at AGDQ/SGDQ, it's always a great race to watch. LoZ:Wind Waker I love the graphics of it and the amount of stuff there is to explore throughout the game.
almost 8 years
Just casual clothes at the moment, jeans and a blue checkered shirt. Nothing too special.
almost 8 years
what's your favorite nintendo game?
almost 8 years
Ok this next question comes from one of our readers... "What are you wearing?"
almost 8 years
It was mixed, a lot of people have started making their own spins of the "Great pro here" whereas others see it as a ego thing and not wanting to associate with me, which is fine as not everyone can take a liking to things you do.
almost 8 years
I see, and what was the response of your peers?
almost 8 years
Originally I guess I just saw other people introduce themselves every time they joined a game and thought it was a way of being more recognised, I stuck with it as it's just been a symbol for me as people knew me as "that guy that says "great pro here" each time" and it just made me feel appreciated to continue playing on the site.
almost 8 years
What was your original intent for being a great pro, and what was the ongoing thought process during your great pro journey?
almost 8 years
Carte d'or vanilla ice cream preferably, from the tub. But I don't have much desserts after a meal.
almost 8 years
What do you like to eat for dessert? Asking for a friend.