no explanation or backstory necessary. this is just a place to express a simple measure of gratitude towards another user.
thank you, foxie
no explanation or backstory necessary. this is just a place to express a simple measure of gratitude towards another user.
thank you, foxie
thank you to:
bebop, bane, reamix, bdog, bonk, nappeh, thoughtful, merlot, amelio, veerat, negra, imasuperhero, bknight, kenny, chris, hood, thomas, art, blister, trick, furansu, ashe, sl0ndy, japter, ryman, ari, izzy, platy, golb, sweet, eris, jimbei, olac, rockgirlnikki, p*ssproblems, xela, ohdear ...
and many more for making me smile when i needed it most
thank you ghost
ur a cool guy mac thank u
i was told u meant the other sweet so fck u
a big list sorry -
thank you nepenthe
thank you galaxies
thank you ghost
thank you hima
thank you kenny
thank you moocow
thank you error
thank you merlot
thank you drpeepee
thank you bebop