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thank a user

deletedabout 8 years

no explanation or backstory necessary. this is just a place to express a simple measure of gratitude towards another user.

thank you, foxie

almost 8 years
I want to thank all my fan buddies for their loyal support it sick it kpceoutbye
almost 8 years
thank u ruiyang for freeing taiwan
deletedalmost 8 years

Delicate says

thank you thebrontosaurus

seconded. and thank you, sharon!
almost 8 years
thanks bdog
deletedalmost 8 years
thank you thebrontosaurus
deletedalmost 8 years

ghost says

error says

thank you ghost

thanks for being the love of my life and stuff

anytime, stud!
deletedalmost 8 years
I thank coolkid for being a 1o/1o
almost 8 years

Mac says

thank you to:

bebop, bane, reamix, bdog, bonk, nappeh, thoughtful, merlot, amelio, veerat, negra, imasuperhero, bknight, kenny, chris, hood, thomas, art, blister, trick, furansu, ashe, sl0ndy, japter, ryman, ari, izzy, platy, golb, sweet, eris, jimbei, olac, rockgirlnikki, p*ssproblems, xela, ohdear ...

and many more for making me smile when i needed it most

No firenation???
almost 8 years

error says

thank you ghost

thanks for being the love of my life and stuff
deletedalmost 8 years
Thank you wololo
almost 8 years
thx grace for accepting a nobody into your fam
deletedalmost 8 years
thank u mac
thank u nikki
thank u dia
thank u ciro
thank u ryman
thank u bence
thank u steph
deletedalmost 8 years
o nvm i lied ur cool and macs my fav character from its always sunny
deletedalmost 8 years

sweetnkind says

ur a cool guy mac thank u
i was told u meant the other sweet so fck u

what other sweet
deletedalmost 8 years
Thank you Mac
deletedalmost 8 years
ur a cool guy mac thank u
i was told u meant the other sweet so fck u
almost 8 years
no problem
deletedalmost 8 years
thank you to:

bebop, bane, reamix, bdog, bonk, nappeh, thoughtful, merlot, amelio, veerat, negra, imasuperhero, bknight, kenny, chris, hood, thomas, art, blister, trick, furansu, ashe, sl0ndy, japter, ryman, ari, izzy, platy, golb, sweet, eris, jimbei, olac, rockgirlnikki, p*ssproblems, xela, ohdear ...

and many more for making me smile when i needed it most
deletedalmost 8 years
thank you poser
deletedalmost 8 years
Thank you Syngularity.
almost 8 years
no thanks to any of you you smell funny lol
deletedalmost 8 years
thanks blister, you're alright
almost 8 years
thank you arcbell
almost 8 years

Reamix says

a big list sorry -

thank you nepenthe
thank you galaxies
thank you ghost
thank you hima
thank you kenny
thank you moocow
thank you error
thank you merlot
thank you drpeepee
thank you bebop

You're welcome
deletedalmost 8 years
thank you fred