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skype lifehack: hiding public IP

deletedalmost 8 years

many EM users frequently use skype as an off-site interface to communicate with each other and stay in touch with friends. it however, like all software, has its vulnerabilities.

skype uses peer-to-peer technology to enable direct IP-based connections between users. consequently, the public IP of the user(s) are disclosed during calls made exclusively from one skype client to another.

in order to prevent skype from disclosing your IP to creepy undesirables:

NOTE: i have been told navigating to these settings are either unavailable or bound to be different for windows users. i'm doing my research as we speak.

  1. open your skype application

  2. navigate to your advanced settings via Skype > Preferences > Advanced

  3. make sure that the option to 'Allow direct connections to my contacts only' is ticked

  4. if necessary, click apply or OK to save these settings

here is what mine looks like (i am running OSX so your UI may be vastly different from mine)


navigate to the 'Privacy' tab in that same window and make sure that you have selected 'Contacts' for the option that says 'Allow calls from' so you don't potentially place yourself at risk

happy skyping and be safe!

P.S. if any of the aforementioned information is grossly invalid or anyone has any other tips they would like to share please don't hesitate to comment or message me and i will happily amend the OP.

EDIT: i have been told that this issue has been patched over for windows users following a massive vulnerability in their security but may in fact remain an issue for OSX users. please bear that in mind.

almost 8 years
it's funny, in the older days someone finding my parents would've been so scary to me, now it's just like well what can you possibly say that they would believe over me? it's not a big deal guys, people only threaten you with it because you care about it
deletedalmost 8 years
looking at the age range of users in this community, there needs to be an extensive primer on safety measures to consider when joining and using this site, as well as interacting with EM users off-site.
almost 8 years
there's this one who joined the site with their full name and then he attempted to make like three other big usernames with real human names to hide the truth but sometimes you just can't undo the things you did
almost 8 years
for instance if you didn't want your BF knowing you were cheating on him with a guy in ohio, you'd turn off your skype IP availability and then your location would very well be new jersey! see? it's good
almost 8 years
oh no i'm not saying it isn't useful, it's just that nobody can do much with an IP address unless the person is lying about their location, therefore they think the person knows everything when they only know a tidbit and i appreciate your drive to help :-)
deletedalmost 8 years
just thought it couldn't hurt, rose ):
almost 8 years
for instance there is a girl I know on this site who is virtually impossible to find unless you knew her mothers name because her mom is a social media freak and then you know basically everything about HER even though SHE never did anything to leave a trace therefore dont b dum
almost 8 years
the best thing they could possibly do is know that you are like 10 minutes away from some area that you probably don't live in or who you pay cable $ to every month, uh.. otherwise just don't be stupid and give your real last name, actual physical location or hints as to where you are aka: you live in a small city and went to Kmart, there's only two kmarts near you, you said it's walking distance blah blah don't give the names of family members.
almost 8 years