I recently finished The Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Next up comes A Theory of Monads, a lovely first edition from 1922 on Liebniz's theory of monadology. I think monads are but part of philosophy is knowing what's and why so you can know what's not .
Almost finishing Frankenstein. The story is nothing like I expected it'd be and that's for the better. The creature is much more interesting and developed. It's a sad story.
Like Hopkins' other books, there is a lot of gritty material: One twin sister is sexually abused by her alcoholic father, while the other twin wishes she were the one he abused. To cope, the teens engage in dangerous behaviors, including cutting, trading sex for drugs, binge eating, bulimia, drug use (pot and hashish), and sadomasochistic sex.
I swear I'll make it up to you by mishka shubaly is one of the books that helped me stay sober. It's autobiographical and does a good job of avoiding glorification of substance abuse while telling really entertaining stories. It's very depressing until about 2/3rds in. It was hard to get through.
deletedabout 6 years
i read a spark of light by jodi picoult yesterday and it was pretty good, i gave it a 4/5
i just started the girl with the dragon tattoo today but idk how i feel about it so far
Almost done with Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance. It's not a super rigorous philosophy book so I think a lot of people detract from the human narrative end of it. It's a really good book in that context, and the philosophy isn't dull.