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EMBB3 Trophy Game

deletedalmost 8 years
[11/17/16, 10:22:08 PM] Trent: jake weve literally talked this entir gar youre seriously delusional
[11/17/16, 10:22:08 PM] jakey: or ANYONE
[11/17/16, 10:22:11 PM] Scott: I can probably confirm there's no alliance to get you out. Unless they kept me out of it, which I guess
[11/17/16, 10:22:13 PM] Trent: entire game
[11/17/16, 10:22:18 PM] jakey: lkjdfhsgdlkjh??
[11/17/16, 10:22:27 PM] jakey: saying 3 words to each other each round wow im shook
[11/17/16, 10:22:34 PM] Trent: whatever happened to you being on your calvin hate boner
[11/17/16, 10:22:40 PM] Emile C-I: Veto Competition: Do you remember?

Please head to your DR if you’re ready to play. You are not allowed to share anything about the competition until the results are up.

You have until 11PM EST, Friday November 18th, to do this competition.
[11/17/16, 10:22:44 PM] N1ed EM: CALVIN HATE BONER
[11/17/16, 10:22:48 PM] N1ed EM: TRENT I LOVE U
[11/17/16, 10:22:50 PM] Trent: whatever happened to you insisting this game is rigged for him
[11/17/16, 10:22:50 PM] Scott: Wait, I said I have an amazing social game?
[11/17/16, 10:22:58 PM] Scott: No I didn't
[11/17/16, 10:23:01 PM] jakey: lmao trent youre so immature
[11/17/16, 10:23:02 PM] N1ed EM: holy crap is this gonna be a memory comps
[11/17/16, 10:23:04 PM] N1ed EM: I lose!
[11/17/16, 10:23:06 PM] Trent: bo you didnt scott. jake and cinna did.
[11/17/16, 10:23:08 PM] Scott: I said I've done stuff
[11/17/16, 10:23:09 PM] Trent: no*
[11/17/16, 10:23:23 PM] Trent: therefore you did because they get to make their own stories up
[11/17/16, 10:23:36 PM] jakey: like srsly grow up. you put no time into this game so stop acting like an entitled brat when something doesnt go your way. you put no effort into making a relationship with me and i owe you NOTHING. goodbye and good luck in pov
deletedalmost 8 years
[11/17/16, 10:18:47 PM] Scott: I've had many a Chase question my intelligence
[11/17/16, 10:18:51 PM] Scott: Me too
[11/17/16, 10:19:07 PM] N1ed EM: ..
[11/17/16, 10:19:07 PM] N1ed EM: test
[11/17/16, 10:19:09 PM] Trent: jakey after our talk last night this is really hypocritical of you to do but ok
[11/17/16, 10:19:44 PM] jakey: huh
[11/17/16, 10:20:02 PM] Trent: and i was honest with you when i told you you wouldnt be up so you can sit your fortune teller down because quite frankly youre incorrecy
[11/17/16, 10:20:18 PM] N1ed EM: fortune teller
[11/17/16, 10:20:31 PM] Scott: Also, the reason I didn't try to get myself off the block was because a) I knew it wouldn't work
[11/17/16, 10:20:33 PM] jakey: thats why youre in an alliance without me to get me out???
[11/17/16, 10:20:43 PM] jakey: and then didnt tell me???
[11/17/16, 10:20:44 PM] N1ed EM: :000
[11/17/16, 10:20:51 PM] Scott: And b) Any person I suggested instead would definitely find out
[11/17/16, 10:20:56 PM] Trent: Tell me whos in that alliance
[11/17/16, 10:20:59 PM] Trent: id love to hear
[11/17/16, 10:21:09 PM] jakey: u know whos in it cause ur in it
[11/17/16, 10:21:10 PM] N1ed EM: I'd love to hear too tbh
[11/17/16, 10:21:15 PM] Trent: i made it very clear to you last night that i wanted to be here and that i was in fact awake. if i wasnt you bet your i wpuldnt have lasted as long as i did in hoh
[11/17/16, 10:21:29 PM] Trent: clearly i dont because it doesnt exist
[11/17/16, 10:21:31 PM] jakey: i didnt say you didnt want to be here… lol calm down
[11/17/16, 10:21:44 PM] Trent: you just said i wasnt awake?
[11/17/16, 10:21:52 PM] jakey: its a GAME YOu CAN’T not talk to me the whole game and then freak out and yell at me when youre nominated like....
[11/17/16, 10:21:56 PM] Trent: since when have i not been awake? Ive been holding my own in this game
[11/17/16, 10:22:03 PM] jakey: yOU NEVER TALK TO ME DSLFKJGH
deletedalmost 8 years
[11/17/16, 10:14:45 PM] Emile C-I: I have chosen to nominate Scott and Trent for eviction this week. I’m here to end threat culture!!! You both have been sliding through this game getting absolutely no blood on your hands. I know if either of you won HoH this week I would have been on the block so this really shouldn’t be much of a surprise.

Scott, you say that you have this amazing social game that has been able to carry you this far in the game so you basically said you were the best pawn in the game. Even though you didn’t even try to save yourself this week lol. But if you think your social game is as good as you think it is, prove it to me and the rest of the jury by staying another week.

Trent, you’ve been sliding through this game without doing much and I see you over anyone in the game right now making it to the final 2, taking up a spot that I would love to fill. I want you to kinda wake up in the game and see you fight for your spot and not just let other people drag you there. I really hope you win POV and start playing the game hard. It’s not too late!!
[11/17/16, 10:14:56 PM] Emile C-I: This nomination ceremony is adjourned
[11/17/16, 10:15:34 PM] Scott: I never said I was the best pawn
[11/17/16, 10:15:50 PM] jakey: never said you did
[11/17/16, 10:15:53 PM] Scott: That would be arrogant
[11/17/16, 10:16:14 PM] Scott: "Basically said"
[11/17/16, 10:16:31 PM] jakey: yeah that doesnt mean u flat out said it
[11/17/16, 10:16:59 PM] jakey: saying u got this far solely on social relationships in my mind translates to oh hey good pawn to use bc ppl wont evict him
[11/17/16, 10:17:11 PM] Scott: Also I have some blood
[11/17/16, 10:17:12 PM] Scott: I was swing vote a lot
[11/17/16, 10:17:12 PM] Scott: People did not appreciate me swinging against them
[11/17/16, 10:17:46 PM] jakey: ummmm yeah
[11/17/16, 10:18:39 PM] jakey: im laggiNG
deletedalmost 8 years
Nom Ceremony Logs

[11/17/16, 10:00:21 PM] N1ed EM: nom ceremony when
[11/17/16, 10:08:50 PM] Emile C-I: alright
[11/17/16, 10:08:55 PM] Emile C-I: who's here for the nomination ceremony
[11/17/16, 10:10:09 PM] N1ed EM: me!!
[11/17/16, 10:11:47 PM] Emile C-I: alright
[11/17/16, 10:11:48 PM] jakey: hi
[11/17/16, 10:11:54 PM] Emile C-I: oh I was about to cancel it
[11/17/16, 10:12:02 PM] jakey: ok
[11/17/16, 10:12:05 PM] Scott: I'm here
[11/17/16, 10:12:11 PM] N1ed EM: we got half the house
[11/17/16, 10:12:26 PM] N1ed EM: that'd be like 8 people on week 1!!
[11/17/16, 10:12:37 PM] Emile C-I: Alright
[11/17/16, 10:13:08 PM] Emile C-I: Jakey walks in the dining room with large nomination box in hand
[11/17/16, 10:13:24 PM] N1ed EM: stopped reading at large
[11/17/16, 10:13:27 PM] Emile C-I: Jakey: This is the nomination ceremony, and it is my duty as head of household to nominate two people for eviction this week
[11/17/16, 10:13:38 PM] Emile C-I: Jakey: I'll pull the first key...
[11/17/16, 10:13:53 PM] Emile C-I: Roxy... you are safe
[11/17/16, 10:14:04 PM] Emile C-I: N1ed... you are safe
[11/17/16, 10:14:10 PM] N1ed EM: <3
[11/17/16, 10:14:20 PM] Emile C-I: camera pans to Calvin, Otherscott and Ugly
[11/17/16, 10:14:26 PM] Emile C-I: Calvin... you are safe
[11/17/16, 10:14:36 PM] Emile C-I: This message has been removed.
[11/17/16, 10:14:37 PM] N1ed EM: :00
almost 8 years

calvin says

[11/16/16, 10:04:13 PM] Jessy: Jake wins HOH!
[11/16/16, 10:07:43 PM] jakey: omg yayyyy

almost 8 years
hi cammy
almost 8 years
hi jeff
deletedalmost 8 years

N1ed says

cosmoiswatching says

Seems like an easy nom set

aren't you a host dfsojiogjfdiohjfkljfdslkgjdsoxgjl

Half right. Cosmo is a dfsojiogjfdiohjfkljfdslkgjdsoxgjl.
deletedalmost 8 years

cosmoiswatching says

Seems like an easy nom set

aren't you a host dfsojiogjfdiohjfkljfdslkgjdsoxgjl
almost 8 years
Seems like an easy nom set
almost 8 years

calvin says

[11/16/16, 10:04:13 PM] Jessy: Jake wins HOH!

deletedalmost 8 years
[11/16/16, 10:28:58 PM] Scott: I tried that and would get cornered
[11/16/16, 10:29:37 PM] Scott: Though I have to admit 15 more seconds seems like it would have been doable
[11/16/16, 10:29:48 PM] Scott: With more time
[11/16/16, 10:32:30 PM] Emile C-I: I'm disappointed none of you got to 300 seconds
[11/16/16, 10:32:43 PM] Emile C-I: I thought that was gonna be the worst score
[11/16/16, 10:33:21 PM] Scott: Emile, being good at flash games is a useless talent
[11/16/16, 10:33:32 PM] Scott: So you can be smug about it all you want
[11/16/16, 10:33:36 PM] Emile C-I: what, I'm not good, you guys are just bad
[11/16/16, 10:34:03 PM] Scott: |-(
[11/16/16, 10:34:24 PM] Emile C-I: also tell that to my high score in online game particles
[11/16/16, 10:34:35 PM] Emile C-I: it is proudly shining in the top slot
[11/16/16, 10:34:38 PM] Scott: I will
[11/16/16, 10:34:47 PM] Scott: I'll say it straight to its face
[11/16/16, 10:34:58 PM] Emile C-I: I've already gotten 2 $5,000,000 contract offers out of it
[11/16/16, 10:35:54 PM] Scott: Oh have you now
[11/16/16, 10:35:59 PM] c★: Lmao
[11/16/16, 10:36:01 PM] c★: Liar
[11/16/16, 10:36:05 PM] Scott: I take back everything I said then
[11/16/16, 10:37:04 PM] Trent: sigg
[11/16/16, 10:37:06 PM] Trent: sigh
[11/16/16, 11:22:58 PM] Roxy/Julia: Lol
[11/16/16, 11:23:13 PM] Roxy/Julia: Because if him in one of my orgs they refuse to host any flash challnges
[11/16/16, 11:23:25 PM] Roxy/Julia: They soecifically said
[11/16/16, 11:23:32 PM] Roxy/Julia: "Because of emile"
[11/16/16, 11:23:46 PM] Roxy/Julia: Also aj puts hearts w.e he says ur name emile u got a fan boy
deletedalmost 8 years
Logs from the HoH ceremony

[11/16/16, 10:01:51 PM] Jessy: The results are in!
[11/16/16, 10:02:02 PM] Jessy: Abstaining from HOH
[11/16/16, 10:02:11 PM] N1ed EM: (facepalm)
[11/16/16, 10:02:15 PM] Jessy: Calvin places 5th
[11/16/16, 10:02:42 PM] N1ed EM: rip
[11/16/16, 10:02:43 PM] Jessy: In 4th place
[11/16/16, 10:02:49 PM] Jessy: with 124
[11/16/16, 10:02:55 PM] Jessy: Roxy!
[11/16/16, 10:03:30 PM] Jessy: In 3rd place
[11/16/16, 10:03:38 PM] Jessy: with 126
[11/16/16, 10:03:45 PM] Jessy: Scott!
[11/16/16, 10:03:50 PM] N1ed EM: gl lads
[11/16/16, 10:03:51 PM] Jessy: It's down to Trent and Jakey...
[11/16/16, 10:04:03 PM] Jessy: with 138...
[11/16/16, 10:04:10 PM] Jessy: Trent gets 2nd place!
[11/16/16, 10:04:13 PM] Jessy: Jake wins HOH!
[11/16/16, 10:04:32 PM] N1ed EM: AYYYY
[11/16/16, 10:07:43 PM] jakey: omg yayyyy
[11/16/16, 10:13:20 PM] Scott: I got 3rd for like the 6th time
[11/16/16, 10:13:23 PM] Scott: Go me!
[11/16/16, 10:13:33 PM] Emile C-I: Emile C-I has renamed this conversation to “EMBB3W11:”
[11/16/16, 10:14:18 PM] c★: How tf did you beat 138
[11/16/16, 10:14:23 PM] c★: What was your score
[11/16/16, 10:14:59 PM] N1ed EM: is it on the doc
[11/16/16, 10:15:07 PM] N1ed EM: lol
[11/16/16, 10:15:08 PM] N1ed EM: 141
[11/16/16, 10:15:10 PM] N1ed EM: there u go
[11/16/16, 10:16:54 PM] jakey: i stayed in corners the whole time
almost 8 years
Zayn = Jeff = Pinche = From main, your welcome Tucker
deletedalmost 8 years
k fine i don't want to interact w you anyways.

hi cammy
almost 8 years

Zayn says

you're banned from saying my name.

who are you?
almost 8 years

calvin says

[11/15/16, 8:53:31 PM] c★: my heart aches but is also being soothed by the fact that after all this, they are finally together

wait how did i miss this lmfao
almost 8 years

Zayn says

you're banned from saying my name.

He never said your name though. He never said zayn.
deletedalmost 8 years
you're banned from saying my name.
almost 8 years
Sorry I channeled my inner Jeff and posted stupid sh-t in the thread I'm sorry I won't do it again forgive me
deletedalmost 8 years
Ok I was gonna try and stay out of this but j e s u s c h r i s t can y'all read please????
deletedalmost 8 years

Voice says

calvin says

[11/15/16, 8:38:22 PM] jakey: youre winning shut up
[11/15/16, 8:38:25 PM] jakey: youre not a good liar

He was saying that you're not going to win and you're not a good liar

Ok I was gonna try and stay out of this but j e s u s c h r i s t can y'all read please????

Ok I was gonna try and stay out of this but j e s u s c h r i s t can y'all read please????

Ok I was gonna try and stay out of this but j e s u s c h r i s t can y'all read please????

almost 8 years

calvin says

[11/15/16, 8:38:13 PM] jakey: and go to final 3 and win
[11/15/16, 8:38:17 PM] jakey: you know it too calvin
[11/15/16, 8:38:17 PM] c★: how the am i going to win the game when i have no allies
[11/15/16, 8:38:22 PM] jakey: youre winning shut up
[11/15/16, 8:38:25 PM] jakey: youre not a good liar
[11/15/16, 8:38:30 PM] c★: ??
[11/15/16, 8:38:36 PM] jakey: lol
[11/15/16, 8:38:40 PM] c★: DON’T YOU NEED TO BE A GOOD LIAR TO MAKE IT FAR
[11/15/16, 8:38:52 PM] jakey: ur not a good liar when i can tell ur lying rn
[11/15/16, 8:39:00 PM] jakey: u ppl are dense

Ok I was gonna try and stay out of this but j e s u s c h r i s t can y'all read please????

He was saying that you're not going to win and you're not a good liar, not that the reason that you're getting far is contingent on being a good liar godisfadasfkuwouiajfwr3920qu3wfejdsklfds
almost 8 years

calvin says

My regret? Not winning the PoV and using it on Ginga, I felt he deserved to be here more than me.

tfw cinnanie regrets not being able to pull a marcellas
deletedalmost 8 years
[11/15/16, 8:52:01 PM] Jessy: thank you for playing!
[11/15/16, 8:52:07 PM] Jessy: Jessy has ejected Nadine from this conversation
[11/15/16, 8:53:18 PM] c★: that was truly tear jerking
[11/15/16, 8:53:31 PM] c★: my heart aches but is also being soothed by the fact that after all this, they are finally together