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EMBB3 Announcement

almost 8 years

Hello everyone, I'd like to say a few things before it gets too hectic with EMBB3 starting!

First, I'd like to announce that EMBB3 will have a total of 10 hosts to help distribute the workload and making EMBB3 the best it can be!

These host are:

  • Emmy - Overseer
  • HighSpace - Main Host, Writer, Creative
  • BobbySmith - Main Host, Creative, Wikia/Stats
  • Cosmoiswatching - Fantasy Draft, Creative
  • Jessys - Main Host (in training), Creative, Wikia/Stats
  • Annabelle - Main Host (in training), Creative, Skype logger
  • Bgeas15 - Writer, Creative, Skype logger
  • Cjn104 - Writer
  • Gerry - Fantasy Draft, Creative, Skype logger
  • xSoniaNeverMindx - Skype logger

Secondly, the cast for EMBB3 has been (99%) decided! Unless we get a ground breaking application between now and the end of tomorrow, we will be rolling with what we got! I will be adding the selected candidates on Skype and giving them a small interview/briefing before the season officially starts, which they will keep top secret, as we do not want the cast revealed until the date it starts, September 16th.

Third, I want to remind you all of the prizes to be won for EMBB3, which include the 3 survivor lobby trophies for the top 3 placements, and $30 dollars to the winner! And for those of you not playing, a $20 dollar reward to the winner of this season's fantasy draft! So make sure you sign up to play the fantasy draft if you aren't a houseguest!

Concluding, I'd like to thank everyone who have supported EMBB, and applied for season 3. For those of you who did not make it, do not be too discouraged. There were over 50 applicants to choose from, and we host did not take it for granted. There were so many well written, time spent, applications, we had to spend a long time lingering on who to pick, and had a lot of application interviews as well!

That being said, I encourage you to apply for season 4, because EMBB will be running for as long as I can find the applicants to play it, and so far, each season it grows exponentially each time! :)

EMBB3 will showcase some mafia counterparts with deceptiveness!

Get pumped for EMBB3 this FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16!!!

deletedalmost 8 years
Applies for EMBB 3 times in a row... Please pick me ffs
deletedalmost 8 years
When you're not casted for EMBB3 but you realize your life won't be fully crippled by all the lies and drama

almost 8 years
I call getting 2nd in the fantasy draft again!
deletedalmost 8 years
add shado to the mod team as the poet or we riot
deletedalmost 8 years
I call making the poems again
almost 8 years
so does this mean that if you applied, and were not added to the skype group, that you are not in?
almost 8 years
EMBB4: There will be more hosts than the actual players!
almost 8 years
someone please keep (snail) alive I will love u long time
deletedalmost 8 years
I hope I'm in
almost 8 years
good luck everyone!
deletedalmost 8 years

EMBB3 will showcase some mafia counterparts with deceptiveness!