deletedover 8 years

Hi Sandbox,

I'm currently thinking about putting a sitewide treasure hunt on. This would be a game where I'd leave various clues around. It'd involve riddles, puzzles etc. It would not last more than a few hours at most and there will be at least one prize!

Please sign the petition to indicate interest, I'd like this to be a fun whole community event if possible.

Was thinking of it taking place on a Sunday. Feel free to suggest anything below.

Sign here to indicate interest
14 signed
See title
deletedover 8 years
the real treasure here would be a lobby ban
over 8 years

Bebop says

what if the real treasure is the friends we made along the way

this is not an acceptable theory
over 8 years
what if the real treasure is the friends we made along the way
deletedover 8 years
Bump, I'll try and aim for one hour
deletedover 8 years

depends on the number of hours lol :3
over 8 years
On phone cant sign ~ count this comment as a sign up
deletedover 8 years
Why scour the site for treasure when the treasure is my friendship with you? :)