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An Open Letter

about 8 years

As I’m sure you’re aware, a few hours ago an altercation between two lobby moderators (error and sl0nderman) occurred. Why it happened is not particularly important, but as error was assisting other users in chat, sl0nderman took it upon himself to insult error. In response, error demodded (banned and unbanned) him. There is wrong on both sides of this, stemming from neither of them being particularly friendly to begin with, and that’s fine. I don’t need force all my mods to be the best of friends simply because they’re on a team together, but what I do require of them is professionalism and stability. Both error and sl0nderman have showed unprofessionalism today, and for that I sincerely apologise, as a moderation team we need to be the best we can for the community. I’ve been contemplating how to tackle this problem since I woke up today and I know in my heart that the absolute best case scenario is if both of them are able to be reinstated as lobby moderators.

However, that will only happen on one specific condition.

There can be absolutely no continuation of this conflict. No more belittling each other in chat. No more taking actions into your own hands. If you have a problem with one another you see each other or you see me. You do not consult lobby chat or the forums. You do not use privileges entrusted to you to combat each other. If you cannot interact professionally, do not interact at all.

If you both agree to the above terms, please reply below simply stating “I agree” and your moderator privileges will be returned to you. The community, your fellow moderators and myself place our trust in the both of you to bury the hatchet and return to your civil service. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

- Morgan (Bebop)

about 8 years
I agree
deletedabout 8 years
i agree.