I know the topic has clearly shifted from the report in question, but being the mod who sustained I'd like to speak on this. When I read the appeal and original report, it focused on the usage of the f word day 2. I read that day and saw he only used it twice, so I sustained. I was not looking for more HC and therefore missed it. Seeing the screenshots, I now would not have sustained the report, seeing as he did use the words excessively. So I apologize for that
I know the topic has clearly shifted from the report in question, but being the mod who sustained I'd like to speak on this. When I read the appeal and original report, it focused on the usage of the f word day 2. I read that day and saw he only used it twice, so I sustained. I was not looking for more HC and therefore missed it. Seeing the screenshots, I now would not have sustained the report, seeing as he did use the words excessively. So I apologize for that
He HC'd purely in the first screenshot and I invite you to reevaluate what you think hateful comments are if you think otherwise.
Talking about cheating in online javascript mafia is the way to Togepi's heart, or her pants. Who knew?
deletedabout 8 years
please go to Akihabara
I did it was awesome. I'm really minimalist with possessions so I didn't buy anything for me but it's just so fun to look at, you know?
I did get Dragon Quest 1-4 for Famicon at an old video game shop for a friend back home though, it's his favorite series and he's fluent in Japanese+we're both huge retro game nerds so he'll love it.