almost 8 years

only one, will be victorious! In a clash of gifs, profile backgrounds, aesthetics, songs...everything will be judged. Do you have the creative wit to outmatch your opponents? Sign up and see for yourself, if you are indeed the artistic superior! Your host is..... I, PotatoPlayer!

We are looking for about 20 players.


  1. If you afk you may not play in future games I host
  2. ALL edits will be made final at the end of the week at 12 am EST
  3. failng to sumbit/edit your prof at the end of week will give you 1 strike, ounce you got 3 strikes you are automatically evicted.
  4. You may NOT bribe the judges in order to vote you.


Every week, one contestant will be eliminated. They will be judged by a panel of jurors, as well as myself. After each week, you have to redesign your profile page for your new entry that week, until one person remains standing. Let the profile page battles begin! The winner will recieve 20 tokens! And maybe a steam game! From our lovely sponser.... Bebop!

Reserve below and tell me your timezone as well.

If anyone wants to be a Judge you may NOT PARTICIPATE in the challenge. I may give the judges a prize after this competiton. PM me why you want to be a judge and also ALL judges must be UNBIASED to any player who participates.

All reserves will not count AFTER this Sunday.

Hope to see you there! <3

Is this a good idea?%
no god please
almost 8 years
Signing up!
almost 8 years
Edit: you don't need a profile backround you need a bio which can be creative using gifs and such. Although a profile backround may help you it's not needed
almost 8 years
Edit: game may take 20 weeks to finish to make sure you have time to play the whole thing.
My skype is: PotatoPlayerem for all the judges who want to contact me