I'm currently conducting an experiment. Remember those who say that sexuality isn't a choice but rather something that you're born with? Guess what. I'm going to disprove that claim. I am 24 years old and have had several fulfilling relationships with women. Never popped a boner in the shower at gym or school when looking at male bodies so I know that I am 100% hetero. Now what am I gonna do you ask? I have been fapping to men and gay only for about 2 months now and at first I couldn't get it up at all. After one week I was able to get a semi-hardon and with week two I was able to jerk off satisfactorily. One month in I had problems getting it up to women and although I was concerned at first, I knew that I had to continue.
Once I had achieved a steady state of gayness in my mind I thought that I would take it to the next step. A buttplug. I bought a set of three- that's small. medium and big. Once I had gotten used to the small one I moved on to the medium one and logically the largest one followed. Now that my anus had stretched enough I bought myself a dildo and from then on only orgasmed through the use of anal penetration. 1 month and a half in I could not get it up to women anymore and began thinking about sucking and setting up an ad on craigslist. Once done, I checked regularly and had gotten a response pretty quickly and set up a date, time and place. Obviously the first meeting was in public, but he seemed nice enough and so we got ourselves a hotel room. Once the deed was done and he had gone home I sat there thinking about what I had just done.
Here I am now, unable to get aroused by women and constantly thinking about . I plan on continuing for a whole year before attempting to rewire my brain into thinking women are arousing. I am planning on getting a boyfriend during the time to simulate a proper relationship and will break up with him shortly before my one year is over. Sexuality is a life choice