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Cant update avatar

over 8 years

i tried like a lot of avis like different sizes, transparency, dimensions, etc but all i get is "Cannot find the page you were looking for..." message and it even happens when i dont upload avi and directly click change avatar when it shouldve said "No Avatar Selected" or something similar

over 8 years
deletedover 8 years
yeah note that when i uploaded your avi it had the imgur filename and not the one you originally had given it
over 8 years
it's the file name, change it to something like simple.png

weird characters like underscores prevent me from uploading things to epicmafia
over 8 years
never encountered this problem ever before. this is very irritating!
deletedover 8 years
homsar is my alt but yeah i would happily do it for you.
over 8 years
there's been a known issue with cloudflare being slow to change avis on families, maybe the same thing is happening with user avis too
over 8 years
can i trust homsar?
deletedover 8 years

another suggestion beyond waiting for this issue to fix itself would be to try it from another device entirely if possible or find someone whom you trust enough to upload it for you.
over 8 years
tried all of error's above and didnt fix
deletedover 8 years
have you tried anything i just suggested?
over 8 years
tried changing in incognito then with proxy then with both, no avail
deletedover 8 years
just tried it on an alt and it uploaded without any issues. try clearing browsing data (cookies, cache, etc.), power cycling your router/modem, or resetting your DNS settings and try again.
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years

i don't think anyone wants to steal your avatar.

despite the site using cloudflare it's been a little screwy. i'd say just give it a few hours.
over 8 years
also fyi: says that IS down
over 8 years
info: the avi is 130x130 px
over 8 years
i can change bio and also my png is locally stored so i cant point a link to it
(copyright issues means i can only use it for noncommercial, private use)
over 8 years
are you able to change your bio?
deletedover 8 years
may i see the image you are trying to upload as an avi?
deletedover 8 years
thanks lucid
over 8 years
i tried to file report under bugs report but i fuqqing need 100 points so screw it, filing it here