not sure if all of these are practical, but here's a few axe artist bagel ballerina blood bubble gum centaur child city dragonfly flour french fries grapes globe hippo hippy hut icicle imp jack-o-lantern kiss ketchup lightsaber mountain needle numbers onion peach pharaoh peanut pickle potion puzzle rock star ruler salt scorpion smile sprout soup steak suit sweater treasure trumpet vampire village yarn yeti
I almost saw this title as drawit d¡ck
anything other than themed proper noun decks is bad until lucid increases the syntax allowance because of different word forms
deck is Handcrafted , 800 pretty good words
beef kpoop trash weeb cat ghost
also add: cripple candy corn elf squid udder anime homosexual
i really think mouthwash should be one it would be so funny to draw like someone gargling mouthwash how hilarious
deleted over 8 years
Turpentine says @Volley people draw like idiots so it can still be suprisingly difficult Draw it is actually only fun if everyone is bad at drawing(but not the worst)
I need this foxie drawit deck because I was once had to draw the concept of "need."
i assume you prefer words like "snow princess," "fillibuster" (misspelling is in the 3rd most popular deck), "11," "new york city" and "new york," "spanish," names of characters from tv shows, and other words that can't be drawn and you only get through random chance rather than actually knowing whats being drawn thats not my style
@Volley people draw like idiots so it can still be suprisingly difficult
All of these words are way too easy to draw, there is no difficulty/competition(?) at all... Unless if that's what you're aiming for?