Here's a guide to not only help you stay within the rules, but get the most out of your RT. Please note this is not aimed at any members, all images here are shown with permission of the writer, and if you want to ignore the stylistic portions you're more than welcome to.
First of all, layout! There's a few things to know with layout, first is some things you can stay away from.
Excessive amounts of brightly coloured text! Now, I know this is good for separating areas visually, and maybe it even looks nice on the skin you're using, but we have so many different skins and people with different visual abilities that it's actually not a good thing. What looks good on one skin can be impossible to see on another, or blinding. Plus when your RT gives someone a migraine they aren't very likely to RP with you, or even get down to the section where you talk about your RP ideas. I would also recommend avoiding overly fancy, sparkly, or difficult to read text or images.
Extremely short, nondescript RTs! I know, I know, we aaaaall have times where our brain craps the bed on us. Or we run out of time. But these short RTs that don't tell you much also won't get you a lot of RP partners usually. People want to RP with others who have similar ideas to what they have, as well as similar likes and dislikes. Your RT doesn't need to be huge or fancy, but if you put a little effort into it and tell people what you're looking for you'll get more hits.
Don't forget you can edit your RTs and you are only allowed 1 per Request Area! If you want to make a new one you should contact staff (particularly me at the moment) and request your old one be removed. If a problem is found with your request thread (or multiple RTs by you are found in an area) you're thread will be que'd. This means that staff can see your threads, but nobody else can. You will always be contacted about the reason your thread was que'd and usually there are simple solutions to the issue, like merging, archiving, or editing the threads. You may also only bump each RT once per week, this is to make sure that everyone has a chance to be seen. A good way to do things that I have found, is to only bump when you have something new in your RT, and make note in your bump of what your new addition is. However, if you have edited your RT and wish to bump it then, you may bump it before a solid week (7 days) has past. On the note of when and where for request threads, what are the different Request areas for?
Taboo requests are anything that would be above PG or PG-13, it's not just sex, but drugs, violence, religious ideology, dark themes, all that jazz.Taboo is further broken down into 4 areas.
Requests by Females - If you are a female member making a request thread for multiple gendered characters you should place your request thread here. Conversely, if you are a male member, or chose not to display a gender for whatever personal reason, and wish to play female characters you should place your request thread here. What you should not place here: MxM, MxF requests where you play male, Futa or other intersex requests, ANYTHING AGAINST THE RULES. Recommended tags: "Female", "Any", "FxF", "MxF", "FxF and MxF", "MxM and FxF", "MxF, FxF, MxM", and "FxFuta"
Requests by Males - If you are a male member making a request thread for multiple gendered characters you should place your thread here. Conversely, if you are a female member, or chose not to display a gender for whatever personal reason, and wish to play male characters you should place your request thread here. What you should not place here: FxF, MxF requests where you play female, Futa or other intersex requests, ANYTHING AGAINST THE RULES. Recommended tags: "Male", "Any", "MxM", "MxF", "MxM and MxF", "MxM and FxF", "MxF, FxF, MxM", and "MxFuta"
Requests by Others - If you are an ungendered member making a request thread for multiple gendered characters you could place your thread here. Conversely, any member who wishes to play intersex characters, like futas, shemales, male herms, ungendered characters, transgender characters, aliens with non-standard genders, basically anything that isn't flat out male or female, you should place your request thread here. What you should not place here: FxF, MxM MxF, ANYTHING AGAINST THE RULES. Recommended tags: "Futa", "Any", "FutaxFuta", "MxFuta", and "FxFuta
Group Requests - If you have an idea for a group thread (3+ people), you should post it here. This is one of the few boards where we do allow multiple threads from individuals, as it is very hard to run multiple group ideas from one thread. What you should not place here: FxF, MxM MxF, Intersex requests, ANYTHING AGAINST THE RULES. Any tag is good here.
Now we have the Orthodox area which only has 1x1 and group requests. These are essentially the same as the taboo requests, only less divided and meant for much tamer ideas.
Now... what a good request thread looks like and how to use it!