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Your Southpark character

deletedover 8 years

This seems like a fun idea! Soon, when I get out of my lazy ways, I want to give , everyone who posts here, a southpark character of who I think they resemble the most. I'll post a picture, and under that picture I'll copy paste a bio of who that character is from a wikia or something...Just incase some people don't know what SouthPark is. I'm going to keep this thread locked for now till I find the energy to do this officially, just made this now so I have dibs on it :'P Haha, jk, if someone wants to steal this idea and do it whenever, I'm totally okay with that! Infact, I would be really happy and would post in that thread!!!

Do you agree or disagree with who you were given as a character?
deletedover 8 years
For the very first post, I'll use myself as an example so people get the gist of this idea~

[Moomo as Kenny McCormick]

Kenny McCormick is best known in the show for his recurring death in nearly every episode of the first five seasons, often followed by some variant of "Oh my God, they killed Kenny!" and "You b@stards!" from his friends Stan and Kyle, respectively. The gag has many precedents.