about 8 years

Send suggestions for the different decks!

Current decks

Sandbox Users 27/9 (Just users)

Amelio's deck (Forks good for the users one)

Sandbox Memes deck

Fork for Meme Deck

meme option
about 8 years
most likely to upvote themselves on an alt

who is the ringleader of T H E C L I Q U E
about 8 years
working on this rn, send the last minute suggestions! (but dw if you dont make it, ill update these decks ocassionally!)
about 8 years

mist says

Bebop says

mist says

i am irrelevant. please make me relevant, mr amelio.

i didnt know you when i made the players deck please forgive me

never. before you came into my life i missed u so bad.

deletedabout 8 years

Bebop says

mist says

i am irrelevant. please make me relevant, mr amelio.

i didnt know you when i made the players deck please forgive me

never. before you came into my life i missed u so bad.
about 8 years

mist says

i am irrelevant. please make me relevant, mr amelio.

i didnt know you when i made the players deck please forgive me
deletedabout 8 years
i am irrelevant. please make me relevant, mr amelio.
about 8 years
put me in there bud
about 8 years
ill also add to the names deck a few extras like "all of the above" and "none of the above". feel free to share some of these too but i wont add more than like 5 bc itd lose the purpose of the deck.
about 8 years

butterpototo says

:0 most likely to create an anonymous alt just to badmouth other users

I bet Golbolco did that.
about 8 years
yeah add me in there =)
about 8 years
deletedabout 8 years
:0 most likely to create an anonymous alt just to badmouth other users
deletedabout 8 years
oh im suggesting forks/questions/whatever yeah
deletedabout 8 years
Would wear a fursuit to garner attention

Next sandbox owner

Would host an epicmafia meetup

Secretly a weeb

Spends money for a username

Uses the report system for drama

Most likely to self-delete

Most likely to be TheGameGuy's main account

Willing to strip on tinychat upon request
deletedabout 8 years
Current list: Artic Nikki ThomasDuBois dia keri Nicole xela error MeetTerry nepenthe aquarius Uprizzle Herredy sl0nderman roadman Blister bibty MasterCthulhu ryman ivy Bebop Merlot Jimbei Nocturnul DouradaGrelhada izzy SirAmelio Ace Ashe Sanctity lilin TepLep carbink Reamix tricksterer Kapuchino jimpl arianna Chaika giovanni howitzer littlewhitey Sishen Discordia kain ballsy bdog1321 dahlia Killia cub Psy420 poser meowmeulin Hood Furansu Golbolco gardenfulloflies Japter PolicyTime qowjdgns2 JamalMarley Turpentine jhubejhello Kenny Kagerrou EpicSides Pavoneo rockgirlnikki ThoughtfulOlive Tree DrPeePee Associate ChaoticDoom NekoMANRI Ohdearmycatisgone keldran lzaya Orihara iamfull harodihg Christopherzilla LuapNor arenaceous FannyChmelar shortcakey quiche hima Platypops TheStyleAisle CooperD deriding Delicate Moemi peach PapaJacky OikawaTooru TheTigress Audacity tigermom Moomo Zetonate Hateyon Bigpock coolkidrox123 shygriff PissProblems Equity abc Rednose CoryInDaHouse SilentDriver sunflowerpark LastProphet DearLeaderKim Arcbell Cody lucid AregVrt zahhaks Katie XFire1994 Cammy Ayd KEEMSTAR Solace butterpototo TheGameGuy Nynite theplok Wubat Altair emmy LuckyMiltank dooze cozy Lukageo aladrew sestre yoyoyorlozer
about 8 years
add me ~~~
about 8 years
MootjeNL and/or iDubbbz
about 8 years

coolkidrox123 says

most likley to be the only winner in all superra=elative topics

already a question
about 8 years
most likley to be the only winner in all superra=elative topics
about 8 years
also im using the one named amelio's deck for the forks one but ill be revising that one too
about 8 years