Hello Sandboxers, I wish to have a reasonable discussion on Robots and AI. Do they deserve rights? How potential dangerous are they? Could they bring an end to what we know now?
First with robots without AI, I personally believe, if not regulated, big corporations will take advantage of this technology to replace most of their workers with robots. And why wouldn't they? They never get tired, never complain, and never ask for pay. I forecast a loss of millions of jobs and a passive genocide of the lower classes, where they are starved out out as the upper classes thrive until there is no other countries left that will buy their products.
I also believe it will be the far poltical left that will rise up to defend these robot's rights, which would be extremely ironic, seeing as the ones the left claims to protect: lower class, will be hit the hardest by this technology.
Another scenario would be AI developing to the point where they would be uncontrollable. Even if a super AI was developed to take care of humans, how long would it take for it to realize that we are danger to each other more than anything else. And it decides to take matters into its own hands and put us all in a Matrix-esque situation or some sort of "nursery" where we won't be able to harm ourselves or others?
What are your thoughts? Share any ideas you have on this topic.