over 8 years

Hello Sandboxers, I wish to have a reasonable discussion on Robots and AI. Do they deserve rights? How potential dangerous are they? Could they bring an end to what we know now?

First with robots without AI, I personally believe, if not regulated, big corporations will take advantage of this technology to replace most of their workers with robots. And why wouldn't they? They never get tired, never complain, and never ask for pay. I forecast a loss of millions of jobs and a passive genocide of the lower classes, where they are starved out out as the upper classes thrive until there is no other countries left that will buy their products.

I also believe it will be the far poltical left that will rise up to defend these robot's rights, which would be extremely ironic, seeing as the ones the left claims to protect: lower class, will be hit the hardest by this technology.

Another scenario would be AI developing to the point where they would be uncontrollable. Even if a super AI was developed to take care of humans, how long would it take for it to realize that we are danger to each other more than anything else. And it decides to take matters into its own hands and put us all in a Matrix-esque situation or some sort of "nursery" where we won't be able to harm ourselves or others?

What are your thoughts? Share any ideas you have on this topic.

Is AI a danger to the existence of humans?
deletedover 8 years
stephen hawking is a pop scientist, in case any of you haven't noticed. the robot man.
deletedover 8 years

JimothyDang says

Herredy says

Where there's evil, good will rise! ;P

what I'm saying is that if there are robots that want to kill us, then there's also robots that want to protect us from them since I assume AI would be similar to that of the human mind

Yes but what if we are evil and ai is good?

damn, true

that means the AI on our side is evil and the humans on the AI side(if there are any) are good :O


yknow, good and evil is very subjective lol :3
over 8 years

Herredy says

Where there's evil, good will rise! ;P

what I'm saying is that if there are robots that want to kill us, then there's also robots that want to protect us from them since I assume AI would be similar to that of the human mind

Yes but what if we are evil and ai is good?
deletedover 8 years

Blister says

Herredy says

Where there's evil, good will rise! ;P

what I'm saying is that if there are robots that want to kill us, then there's also robots that want to protect us from them since I assume AI would be similar to that of the human mind

this is actually pretty interesting i hadn't thought of it like this before

yeah lol :3

like I got this inspiration from the terminator in the Terminator series
deletedover 8 years

cosmoiswatching says

Herredy says

Where there's evil, good will rise! ;P

what I'm saying is that if there are robots that want to kill us, then there's also robots that want to protect us from them since I assume AI would be similar to that of the human mind

Are you implying artificial intelligence will have emotion?

why not? lol
deletedover 8 years

tigermom says

As much as I'm OK with the scenario of slowly substituting manual laborers with machines, I do not know whether everyone is fit and willing to do mental labor so please tell me.

it's actually the most part of mental labour jobs that are at biggest risk currently. accounting, teaching, a whole lot of engineering--pretty much anything that doesn't require too much imagination, and then computers are getting pretty good at problem solving too. our greatest asset is actually our dexterity. there is actually a real threat on the horizon of computers rendering us obsolete as regards our own survival. and then what? mass layoffs to increase profits, and then economic failure because nobody's being paid anything to buy anything lol. sounds kinda silly, but it ain't. luddism is getting a second wind.
deletedover 8 years

Herredy says

Where there's evil, good will rise! ;P

what I'm saying is that if there are robots that want to kill us, then there's also robots that want to protect us from them since I assume AI would be similar to that of the human mind

this is actually pretty interesting i hadn't thought of it like this before
over 8 years

Herredy says

Where there's evil, good will rise! ;P

what I'm saying is that if there are robots that want to kill us, then there's also robots that want to protect us from them since I assume AI would be similar to that of the human mind

Are you implying artificial intelligence will have emotion?
deletedover 8 years
Where there's evil, good will rise! ;P

what I'm saying is that if there are robots that want to kill us, then there's also robots that want to protect us from them since I assume AI would be similar to that of the human mind
over 8 years
You're making it seem like the things you're describing will just happen overnight, say one morning people wake up and all manual labor workers will be sacked because their jobs will be taken over by robots. But this is not realistic and that's not how the things will happen, nay ARE happening, because if you haven't noticed, cashiers are already being replaced by self-checkout machines and that is exactly the same thing you're talking about. Either way I wouldn't worry too much about it, because it is still better than completely wiping out all human workforce where possible at once and having it replaced by robots, which would give the government 60 years of a headache as there would be lots of unemployed people who simply would not be able to become employed due to not having a diploma required for a job like a doctor etc. or having a diploma in a major that doesn't matter (after the 60 years these people would simply die off).

As much as I'm OK with the scenario of slowly substituting manual laborers with machines, I do not know whether everyone is fit and willing to do mental labor so please tell me.

tl;dr: The first scenario is already happening and the only problem I see with it is where to put the now-unemployed people who are not able to do mental labor.
deletedover 8 years
we are not going to create AI, it is a monkey on a typewriter-type situation. and then with the chances that monkey reproduces ulysses halved a million times. your post offends me.