I'm not even fighting to become a mod. Mods themselves should beg me to join them. But since i'm not even nominated in the "superlatives" i guess the community don't give a f*ck about getting experienced and good old and loyal players to make this fun place run like needed. I'm wishing you all madness for that. Cheers!!
I don't know anyone here I just found out that forums exist I'm only posting here to say I've done it also if anyone wants to rip me a new one you're welcome to
Little old dia. you are a blast to be around and emphasis on blast because you are a very hyperactive personality which does brighten up the sandbox. sometimes you can be a Bit nsfw and i think we all know what i'm talking ab but we all can be at times so that is a-okay. you care about everyone and have a heart of Gold. sometimes though i feel as if you are quite difficult to actually read on how you are actually feeling and i feel as if this also is the same back to the point where you don't know yourself how people around you feel if that makes sense. other than that you are a great individual to be around. TOOT!
hmmm. ok for starters you are a good person but sometimes you can turn bad just for the hell of it. although i will admit the way you try to bend the rules makes me laugh and it does kinda show that you are a creative kind of person(if the anime didn't show that already, weeb). You seem very compassionate(i honestly don't know what word i'm trying to think of) ab certain subjects and idek where i'm trying to go with this. just imagine it as a compliment. you are underestimated as a person imo and i feel it's just because you aren't the normal kind of people pleaser, you like to stick with your guns. altho your opinions can get you into trouble i think your opinions are what make you sorta different which is good for a lack of a better word. i'd TOOT you honestly and this is probably a mess of an opinion but idc!
haha nice. anyways mist! we haven't talked in a bit so this won't be as accurate as i'd like it to be. from what i've noticed you are a very intelligent person but sometimes you can be a lil bit of a problematic person but other than that you're a joy to be around. you are very loving and funny and i think you're one of the better mods just bc of how open you can be in compared to some others. aaah i honestly don't know what to say bc i feel as if i don't actually know you that well i just really know you a bit from our same sort of friend groups? which i mean hey that's a good thing that we share similar sort of friends bc that means we share some sort of commonality. i'd TOOT you and i'd want to get to know you better to know if my non-accurate opinion still holds ground
KATIE love! i miss you lots as well. you are an insanely sweet and loving person and you are an a+ weeb. i don't really know what to say in terms of an opinion though just because mainly you aren't really a LOCAL in sandbox i don't think so we come from two different lobbies so we never get to talk one on one really which is a shame now bc you are a really good individual! ill give you a TOOT and i miss you lots ok
vio! ok i love you but we havne't spoke in like forever . not since i left the love live chat so i'll read you on before that. you are insanely sweet and caring and you love nico so you automatically get a pass for that. sometimes though i feel like you downplay how smart you can be which i think can be said for a lot of people but i wish you could show your smart side more often because that peach is just as good as any other peach. you know i love you to pieces even if we don't talk! A NEGATIVE however is that you can be a sinner who needs to go to church and clean up but i can forgive that. TOOT :* for you this is rupauls best friend race